bytedance / sonic

A blazingly fast JSON serializing & deserializing library
Apache License 2.0
6.54k stars 322 forks source link verifying go.mod: checksum mismatch #622

Closed yangyile1990 closed 2 months ago

yangyile1990 commented 2 months ago
go get
go: requires verifying go.mod: checksum mismatch
        downloaded: h1:ncP89zfokxS5LZrJxl5z0UJcsk4M4yY2JpfqGeCtNLU= h1:UmRT+IRTGKz/DAkzcEGzyVqQFJ7H9BqwBO3pm9H/+HY=

This download does NOT match the one reported by the checksum server.
The bits may have been replaced on the origin server, or an attacker may
have intercepted the download attempt.

For more information, see 'go help module-auth'.
yangyile1990 commented 2 months ago

use this not use others

AsterDY commented 2 months ago

This is because I unexpectedly delete the tag and push it again. You can resolve this through two options:

zhuwensi commented 2 months ago

This is because I push unexpectedly delete the tag and push it again. You can resolve this through two options:

  • clean you mod cache go clean -modcache and repull all dependency again
  • update to sonic v1.11.6 Sorry for disturbing. We will continue to work on making sonic more reliable and stable

Hi, with go clean -modcache, the error still exists. maybe other reasons?

felix021 commented 2 months ago

This is because I push unexpectedly delete the tag and push it again. You can resolve this through two options:

  • clean you mod cache go clean -modcache and repull all dependency again
  • update to sonic v1.11.6 Sorry for disturbing. We will continue to work on making sonic more reliable and stable

Hi, with go clean -modcache, the error still exists. maybe other reasons?

Update to the latest version of sonic should solve this:

go get
zhuwensi commented 2 months ago
go get

Running go get, it shows the same error:

[root@wonderland-01 one-api]# go get
go: requires verifying go.mod: checksum mismatch
        downloaded: h1:ncP89zfokxS5LZrJxl5z0UJcsk4M4yY2JpfqGeCtNLU= h1:UmRT+IRTGKz/DAkzcEGzyVqQFJ7H9BqwBO3pm9H/+HY=

This download does NOT match the one reported by the checksum server.

I think this is because base64x depends on it. (and many other modules depend on sonic/loader@v0.1.0)

33 require (
 39 v1.11.6 // indirect
 41 v0.1.3 // indirect  ======> here throws error.
AsterDY commented 2 months ago

try go get -u

zhuwensi commented 2 months ago

try go get -u

go get -u the same error.

AsterDY commented 2 months ago

execute go clean -modcache and rm go.sum first, then modify sonic's and base64x's (if depends) versions to the latest in "go.mod", finally go mod tidy

lovestu commented 1 month ago

maybe try go get