Open jeff9571 opened 3 months ago
您使用的西瓜播放器版本是多少? What version of xgplayer are you using? "xgplayer": "^3.0.19", "xgplayer-hls": "^3.0.19",vue2
您使用的操作系统和浏览器分别是? What OS and browser are you using? windows11,chrome
如何复现问题? How to reproduce the problem?
UI: <div id="tx"> <div id="player"></div> </div> #tx { grid-area: tx; border-radius: 4px; background: #37383B; } JS: mounted() { this.player = new Player({ id: "player", autoplayMuted: true, autoplay: true, url: 'http://localhost:8888/hls?url=rtsp://admin:12319@', plugins: [HlsPlugin], width:'100%', height:'100%', }); },
您期望的播放器正常行为是? What did you expect to happen? 应该像官方demo的播放器一样
实际播放器的表现是? What actually happened?
可填写您所在的公司和相关产品业务,方便我们提供更好的技术支持 You can write your company and product which uses xgplayer, for helping us provide better technical support.
@jeff9571 按官网的步骤,引入一下CSS:
import Player from 'xgplayer'; import 'xgplayer/dist/index.min.css'; let player = new Player({ id: 'mse', url: '//**/*.mp4', height: '100%', width: '100%', });
您使用的西瓜播放器版本是多少? What version of xgplayer are you using? "xgplayer": "^3.0.19", "xgplayer-hls": "^3.0.19",vue2
您使用的操作系统和浏览器分别是? What OS and browser are you using? windows11,chrome
如何复现问题? How to reproduce the problem?
您期望的播放器正常行为是? What did you expect to happen? 应该像官方demo的播放器一样
实际播放器的表现是? What actually happened?
可填写您所在的公司和相关产品业务,方便我们提供更好的技术支持 You can write your company and product which uses xgplayer, for helping us provide better technical support.