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Fix parsing of template specializations and templated friend functions #733

Closed HGuillemet closed 6 months ago

HGuillemet commented 6 months ago

Parsing this:

template <class T>
struct S<T, T>  {};

generates a S<T,T>.java class.

When it's parsed the first time, and no info is found for the class, it adds a dummy one for S<T,T>. I think this adding is to allow proper namespace resolution if S is referenced afterwards. But when DeclarationList.add is called, the query that looks for template instances in info map returns S<T,T> and triggers the instantiation.

I suggest to untemplate the name of the class before adding it to the infoMap, in order to still help namespace resolution but prevent spurious template instantiation. Does it make sense ?

saudet commented 6 months ago

Sounds good, but let's see if there are other similar cases elsewhere we could fix before merging this

HGuillemet commented 6 months ago

I have a fix for friend function declaration, not related to this one. Do I add the commit to this PR or do I open another ?

saudet commented 6 months ago

You can add it here since this fix is just one line

HGuillemet commented 6 months ago

So included in this PR, some fixes for handling templated friend functions:

namespace ns {
  template <typename U>
  void f(U u) {};

  struct S {
    friend void f<S>(S t);

  template <typename U>
  struct X;

  template <typename U>
  void g(X<U> x) {};

  template <typename U>
  struct X {
    friend void g<U>(X x);

With master, the parsing of this code has several issues:

  1. Without any info (but new Info().friendly()), is generated:

    public class S extends Pointer {
    /*  ... */
    private static native @Namespace void f<ns::S>(@ByVal S t);
    public void f<ns::S>() { f<ns::S>(this); }

    Which doesn't compile because of f<ns::S> method name. However, I think the behaviour is correct. The alternative would be either to silently skip the friend function because it has no explicit Java name, or to remove the template argument in the Java name. I think it's ok to force to add an info with the correct name. It's consistent with how class templates that are automatically instantiated because they are used somewhere else are given Java classes with invalid class names. Removing the template argument would work in most cases but could also hide functions if the function template is instantiated more than once in the same class. So, if you agree, there is no real issue here.

  2. If we add an info to give a valid name to the function: new Info("ns::S::f<ns::S>").javaNames("f").friendly(), it doesn't work. Same class is generated. This is because of this line in declarator() that prevents to pick the Java name from the info map. I'm not sure to understand the intent of the context.templateMap != null && context.templateMap.type == null clause. I suggest to instead test if the cpp names equal: info.cppNames[0].equals(dcl.cppName). Thus the Java name is picked if the main info cpp name has no template arguments or if it has template arguments but they exactly match the ones of the declaration being parsed.

  3. If we instantiate X<int> with new Info("ns::X<int>").pointerTypes("X"). The info map query when g is parsed is ns::X<int>::g<U>(int) instead of ns::X<int>::g<int>(int). I suggest to fix this by replacing these lines by a call to templateArguments, which performs the substitution, correctly qualifies the types, and probably also parses more robustly complex arguments.

  4. After applying the fixes above, the JNI doesn't compile with error:

    /home/java/javacpp/test/test/jniglobal.cpp:583:9: error: 'f' was not declared in this scope; did you mean 'ns::f'?
    583 |         f<ns::S>(*ptr0);

    This is because we rely on ADL when we call a friend function, reseting the namespace with @Namespace (some friend operators or functions are only accessible through ADL). But ADL is not performed when calling a function with explicit template arguments, for some reasons. So in declarator we must strip the template arguments from the @Name of friend functions, and hope the compiler will figure out the right template instance.

Regression tests with the whole PR:

template <> inline std::vector RetrieveValues(const AttributeProto& attr) { return {attr.strings().begin(), attr.strings().end()}; }

template <> inline std::vector RetrieveValues(const AttributeProto& attr) { return {attr.floats().begin(), attr.floats().end()}; }

And presets has:
  .put(new Info("onnx::RetrieveValues<int64_t>").javaNames("RetrieveValuesLong"))
  .put(new Info("onnx::RetrieveValues<std::string>").javaNames("RetrieveValuesString"))

WIth master, when the specializations are parsed and declarator() is called, the Java name from first info is picked because context.templateMap != null && context.templateMap.type == null is true. With PR, info.cppNames[0].equals(dcl.cppName) is false so the Java name is not picked and the original name is kept. This results in master with only 2 declarations (specializations picked java name RetrieveValuesLong clashes with template instantiation from info), and with PR with 3 declarations. I'd say the PR behaviour is more logical, although the resulting mapping is sloppy.

The best behavior for template specializations is probably not to map them unless requested via info. What do you thing ?

saudet commented 6 months ago

What happens if we don't merge this? Does it prevent you from doing anything?

HGuillemet commented 6 months ago

Nothing important. I'd give up the mapping of swap in pytorch but nobody would care.

If we look at the 4 fixes included, in order of appearance in

saudet commented 6 months ago

I'm not sure which ones of those modifications are number 1, 2, 3, but anyway the results for ONNX and TVM don't make sense. If you can figure out a way to not break that, please do it.

saudet commented 6 months ago

Like, for example, with ONNX and this:

               .put(new Info("onnx::RetrieveValues<float>").javaNames("RetrieveValuesFloat"))
               .put(new Info("onnx::RetrieveValues<int64_t>").javaNames("RetrieveValuesLong"))
               .put(new Info("onnx::RetrieveValues<std::string>").javaNames("RetrieveValuesString"))

we still get something that doesn't work:

@Namespace("onnx") public static native @ByVal @Name("RetrieveValues<float>") FloatVector RetrieveValuesFloat(@Const @ByRef AttributeProto attr);

@Namespace("onnx") public static native @ByVal @Name("RetrieveValues<int64_t>") LongVector RetrieveValuesLong(@Const @ByRef AttributeProto attr);

@Namespace("onnx") public static native @ByVal @Name("RetrieveValues<std::string>") StringVector RetrieveValuesString(@Const @ByRef AttributeProto attr);
@Namespace("onnx") public static native @ByVal LongVector RetrieveValues(@Const @ByRef AttributeProto attr);

So please fix this

HGuillemet commented 6 months ago

I'm not sure which ones of those modifications are number 1, 2, 3,

I added precisions in my previous comment.

saudet commented 6 months ago

Ok, thanks, so like I said before, it's hard to come up with meaningful names for template instances, that's not a bug. Don't try to implement anything related to that, unless maybe define() is set

HGuillemet commented 6 months ago

Ok, thanks, so like I said before, it's hard to come up with meaningful names for template instances, that's not a bug. Don't try to implement anything related to that

That's not the intent.

Like, for example, with ONNX and this:

               .put(new Info("onnx::RetrieveValues<float>").javaNames("RetrieveValuesFloat"))
               .put(new Info("onnx::RetrieveValues<int64_t>").javaNames("RetrieveValuesLong"))
               .put(new Info("onnx::RetrieveValues<std::string>").javaNames("RetrieveValuesString"))

we still get something that doesn't work:

@Namespace("onnx") public static native @ByVal @Name("RetrieveValues<float>") FloatVector RetrieveValuesFloat(@Const @ByRef AttributeProto attr);

@Namespace("onnx") public static native @ByVal @Name("RetrieveValues<int64_t>") LongVector RetrieveValuesLong(@Const @ByRef AttributeProto attr);

@Namespace("onnx") public static native @ByVal @Name("RetrieveValues<std::string>") StringVector RetrieveValuesString(@Const @ByRef AttributeProto attr);
@Namespace("onnx") public static native @ByVal LongVector RetrieveValues(@Const @ByRef AttributeProto attr);

So please fix this

The problem here is with instantiation of template specializations: Say we have this header:

template<typename A, typename B>
struct X;

template<typename A>
struct X<A,int>;

struct X<int,int>;

and this info: new Info("X<int,float>").javaNames("X_int_float").

Each template is instantiated in turn with same info, ignoring the extra template arguments in the second and third ones. With master, all instantiations are given the same name, obtained from partial info match. So in practice only the first one is kept, because of java name clash. With PR, the java name for X<int,float> is not accepted for naming X<int> (which happens to be a X<int,int>, so it looks sane). So the cpp name X is kept and we end up with an extra declaration. But I think the best is to never instantiate a template with an info that has more template arguments that the template has parameters.

So, what do you think is the correct behavior ?

  1. Master
  2. Current PR
  3. Current PR + test so that an info for X<A,B> is never used to instantiate a X<A>
saudet commented 6 months ago
template<typename A, typename B>
struct X;

template<typename A>
struct X<A,int>;

struct X<int,int>;

The last two are just specializations of the first one. It's just an implementation detail, so they can and should be ignored.

HGuillemet commented 6 months ago

I fully agree. If in Info we have only X<A,B>, the 2 specializations should not be instantiated. This is not the case currently. So I suggest the 3rd option (PR + prevent X<A,B> to instantiate X<A>). With this option, tvm and onnx will be back to unchanged. However a quick test shows me some declarations in opencv that are generated because template full specializations (template <> ...) are automatically instantiated and some info will have to be added to instantiate them explictly. Shall I proceed ?

HGuillemet commented 6 months ago

I forgot to check classes that would not be generated anymore. Here are they:

saudet commented 6 months ago

That sounds alright, yes, thanks

saudet commented 6 months ago

And pull passes with these changes, is that it?

HGuillemet commented 6 months ago

Yes, but I'll have to add commits to adjust some info and remove spurious classes from gen. Tell me if you'd like a PR for simiar adjustments of depthai, opencv, tvm... or if you prefer to do it yourself.

saudet commented 6 months ago

I don't think we need to worry about these changes for the presets. They look like stuff that doesn't need to be mapped anyways.

HGuillemet commented 6 months ago

For most of them, yes. But we need to remove them from src/gen.

A .define must be added for ConnectionHash in depthai.

Concerning opencv, there are a bunch of functions void write(@ByRef FileStorage fs, SOMECLASS value); in opencv2/core/persistence.hpp. Some of them are plain functions, some are templates, some are full template specializations. In master, plain functions and full specializations are mapped. With PR, only plain functions. I believe we must either map none, or all. In both cases we must add some info.

saudet commented 6 months ago

For most of them, yes. But we need to remove them from src/gen.

Sure, but it's not too important, it'll get done eventually :)

A .define must be added for ConnectionHash in depthai.

It doesn't appear to be used anywhere, we don't need it

Concerning opencv, there are a bunch of functions void write(@ByRef FileStorage fs, SOMECLASS value); in opencv2/core/persistence.hpp. Some of them are plain functions, some are templates, some are full template specializations. In master, plain functions and full specializations are mapped. With PR, only plain functions. I believe we must either map none, or all. In both cases we must add some info.

Ah, yes, we should create instances for those...

Well, please open a pull request for that, sure.

So, you think we can merge this pull request here?

HGuillemet commented 6 months ago

Please hold on, I'm tracking another potential issue.

HGuillemet commented 6 months ago

For most of them, yes. But we need to remove them from src/gen.

Sure, but it's not too important, it'll get done eventually :)

A .define must be added for ConnectionHash in depthai.

It doesn't appear to be used anywhere, we don't need it

Ok, then we can remove its info.

Concerning opencv, there are a bunch of functions void write(@ByRef FileStorage fs, SOMECLASS value); in opencv2/core/persistence.hpp. Some of them are plain functions, some are templates, some are full template specializations. In master, plain functions and full specializations are mapped. With PR, only plain functions. I believe we must either map none, or all. In both cases we must add some info.

Ah, yes, we should create instances for those...

Well, please open a pull request for that, sure.

Ok, finishing pytorch adaptation first.

HGuillemet commented 6 months ago

Please hold on, I'm tracking another potential issue.

Can you remember why there is a !decl.custom clause at this line ? This prevents instantiatons of templates with a javaText. For my current need it's not blocking, since it concerns a constructor template and I can split between an info with define for template infomap query and another info with with full cpp name and javaText for query instance generation. So no hurry for a fix.

I'm finishing adaption of pytorch and opencv, and if there is no issue, we can merge this PR.

saudet commented 6 months ago

Can you remember why there is a !decl.custom clause at this line ? This prevents instantiatons of templates with a javaText. For my current need it's not blocking, since it concerns a constructor template and I can split between an info with define for template infomap query and another info with with full cpp name and javaText for query instance generation. So no hurry for a fix.

That's from commit e473740d311f642c5bb09bd67b644a8e72c2444b. I guess we could ignore that flag when define() is set, yes, that should be fine.

I'm finishing adaption of pytorch and opencv, and if there is no issue, we can merge this PR.


HGuillemet commented 6 months ago

Can you remember why there is a !decl.custom clause at this line ? This prevents instantiatons of templates with a javaText. For my current need it's not blocking, since it concerns a constructor template and I can split between an info with define for template infomap query and another info with with full cpp name and javaText for query instance generation. So no hurry for a fix.

That's from commit e473740. I guess we could ignore that flag when define() is set, yes, that should be fine.

We don't have the info at this point. If we have a class template X for which we want to provide a javaText for no specific instance (this is the intent according to the commit Change log). Why not declare an info for X<whatever> with java text and let the process continue as normal ? Can you remember the presets and class/function that motivated this commit ?

Do you have any idea how to map stack.h in pytorch with new system ? It contains:

template <typename T = Example<>>
struct Stack;

/// A `Collation` for `Example<Tensor, Tensor>` types that stacks all data
/// tensors into one tensor, and all target (label) tensors into one tensor.
template <>
struct Stack<Example<>> : public Collation<Example<>> {
  Example<> apply_batch(std::vector<Example<>> examples) override {
    std::vector<torch::Tensor> data, targets;
    for (auto& example : examples) {
    return {torch::stack(data), torch::stack(targets)};

/// A `Collation` for `Example<Tensor, NoTarget>` types that stacks all data
/// tensors into one tensor.
template <>
struct Stack<TensorExample>
    : public Collation<Example<Tensor, example::NoTarget>> {
  TensorExample apply_batch(std::vector<TensorExample> examples) override {
    std::vector<torch::Tensor> data;
    for (auto& example : examples) {
    return torch::stack(data);

I can add a base() property to info Stack<Example<Tensor,Tensor>> to handle the base class added in the specializations. Not mapping apply_batch should not be a problem since it's defined in Collation. However the generated class is marked @Opaque since parent template is empty, without constructors.

saudet commented 6 months ago

We don't have the info at this point.

No, but you can prevent setting it to true everywhere else

saudet commented 6 months ago

Something like sed 's/decl.custom = true/decl.custom = !info.define/g' src/main/java/org/bytedeco/javacpp/tools/ should do what you want, no?

HGuillemet commented 6 months ago

Something like sed 's/decl.custom = true/decl.custom = !info.define/g' src/main/java/org/bytedeco/javacpp/tools/ should do what you want, no?

Ok I have done this, although it looks uselessly cryptic to me. Unless I missed something, all this declaration.custom stuff is only here to allow writing new Info("X").javaText("...") instead of new Info("X<XXX>").javaText("..."), for the same result.

Pytorch presets is ok now. There is only the problem with Stack constructors, for which I have no solution, but it might well have 0 impact.

HGuillemet commented 6 months ago

Please wait a bit more before merging.

saudet commented 6 months ago

Sure, take your time to finalize this, but don't try to start anything new here. I'd like to make a release sooner rather than later while we still got all the builds working.

HGuillemet commented 6 months ago

Commits added:

All presets are now updated for this PR, so I think you can merge unless you spot something wrong. I'll then push a PR with changes for Pytorch, Opencv and Depthai.

HGuillemet commented 6 months ago

Concerning template specializations and the problem of Stack above and other similar problems, like Complex<Half> in Pytorch, where template specialization change the API of the parent template: It would be nice to be able to write info like this:

  .put(new Info("S<double>").javaNames("Sdouble"))
  .put(new Info("S<>", "S<int>").javaNames("Sint"))

So that the template specialization is used to generate instance S<int> and the parent template for instance S<double>. That doesn't work currently, I'm trying to understand why. There is probably little to modify to make this possible.

saudet commented 6 months ago

I don't think C++ allows to do that, because like I said, template specialization is just an implementation detail

HGuillemet commented 6 months ago

It does unfortunately. The specialization replaces the definitions in the parent/primary template.

  .put(new Info("S<double>").javaNames("Sdouble"))
  .put(new Info("S<>", "S<int>").javaNames("Sint"))

won't work in fact, since the class Sint would have a @Name("S<>") which is not a valid name. It should be S<int>. But if S<int> is listed as the first cppName in Info, it will trigger the instantiation with the primary template.

Another way we could fix that is to arrange so that a new definition that clashes with an already generated definition (same signature) replaces it instead of being ignored. That way we first instantiate S<int> as Sint using primary template, then we re-instantiate it using the specialization, and the specialization takes precedence. What do you think ? Is not worth the effort ?

saudet commented 6 months ago

C++ already picks the specialization in priority, in fact it's not possible to not use the specialization

HGuillemet commented 6 months ago

Right. That's why theoretically we should parse the specialization when generating an instance that matches, and not use the primary template.

saudet commented 6 months ago

You mean like the specialization adds and removes members?! :thinking:

HGuillemet commented 6 months ago

Yes, specializations can do that. Example:

template <typename T>
struct S {
  void f(T x);

template <>
struct S<int> {
  void g();

int main(int ac, char **av) {
  S<int> sint;
  S<double> sdouble;
  sint.f(1); // Compilation error
  sdouble.f(1); // Ok
  sint.g(); // Ok

In this case we should have a way to generate a with g and no f.

saudet commented 6 months ago

Is there any one last thing you might want to look at before merging this?

HGuillemet commented 6 months ago

No. I'm done.