byteful / LevelTools

A Spigot/Bukkit plugin that adds a leveling system to tools, swords, and bows.
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
13 stars 6 forks source link

I've been using this plugin for a while now and it's feeling very good. I make the following suggestions and fixes, I hope you can consider my suggestion #43

Closed Cqmmls closed 2 months ago

Cqmmls commented 5 months ago

1.display in config: name: enabled: true text: "{item} &7- &b{level}" {item} will disappear, e.g. "Iron Sword - 1" as I guess will become "- 1", meaning the item name disappears

2.When the player uses the command /leveltools level or /leveltools levelup to upgrade a weapon or tool, the sound will look like in config when the upgrade is not upgraded

Configuration for the sound played during a level up.

level_up_sound: sound: "ENTITY_PLAYER_LEVELUP" pitch: 1.0 volume: 10.0 It doesn't have any effect, but I think it's better if you could consider adding sound effects

byteful commented 2 months ago

Sorry, I don't plan to add new features to LevelTools right now.