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[Snyk] Upgrade @formspree/react from 2.5.0 to 2.5.1 #334

Open devarshishimpi opened 1 month ago

devarshishimpi commented 1 month ago

This PR was automatically created by Snyk using the credentials of a real user.


Snyk has created this PR to upgrade @formspree/react from 2.5.0 to 2.5.1.

:information_source: Keep your dependencies up-to-date. This makes it easier to fix existing vulnerabilities and to more quickly identify and fix newly disclosed vulnerabilities when they affect your project.
- The recommended version is **1 version** ahead of your current version. - The recommended version was released on **9 months ago**.
Release notes
Package name: @formspree/react
  • 2.5.1 - 2023-08-23

    Patch Changes

    • 56a444b: remove unused package-specific yarn.lock
    • Updated dependencies [56a444b]
      • @ formspree/core@3.0.1
  • 2.5.0 - 2023-08-03

    Minor Changes

    • 4c40e1b: # Fix types in @ formspree/core

      @ formspree/core

      • fix SubmissionData has a type of any causing everything after it to opt-out typechecking
      • remove a no-op teardown method on Client and Session
      • remove and use instead
      • remove unused functions from utils module: append, toCamel, camelizeTopKeys
      • add tests for utils.appendExtraData and convert the test file to typescript
      • add tests for
      • no longer export Session type

      @ formspree/react

      • update types as a result of SubmissionData is no longer any
      • fix createPaymentMethod does not properly map payload when the submission data is a type of FormData
      • fix the Client is not updated when project changes
    • 49730d9: ## Improve error handling

      • @ formspree/core submitForm function now will never rejects but always produces a type of SubmissionResult, different types of the result can be refined/narrowed down using the field kind.
      • Provide SubmissionErrorResult which can be used to get an array of form errors and/or field errors (by field name)
      • Response is no longer made available on the submission result
      • Update @ formspree/react for the changes introduced to @ formspree/core
    • d025831: @ formspree/core

      • rename client config stripePromise to stripe since it expects the resolved Stripe client not a promise

      @ formspree/react

      • add a new hook: useSubmit which is suitable with code that uses other ways to manage submission state (e.g. with a library like react-hook-form)
      • update useForm to use useSubmit under the hood
      • fix: FormspreeContext updates the client when props.project change

    Patch Changes

    • Updated dependencies [4c40e1b]
    • Updated dependencies [49730d9]
    • Updated dependencies [d025831]
      • @ formspree/core@3.0.0
from @formspree/react GitHub release notes
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