bytespider / jsOAuth

JavaScript implimentation of the OAuth protocol. Currently supports version 1.0 (RFC5849) of the specification. Node.js & CommonJS compatible.
MIT License
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OAuth 2.0 Support #24

Open bytespider opened 12 years ago

ChrisRM commented 12 years ago

Any action on this one ?

bytespider commented 12 years ago

jsOAuth 2.0 is currently in development. I've not yet started on the OAuth 2.0 yet.

ChrisRM commented 12 years ago

Do you know of any other client libraries compatible with OAuth 2.0 ?

bytespider commented 12 years ago

Sorry I don't.

Ridermansb commented 12 years ago

It would be interesting to support the OAuth 2.0. I am also interested

omkz commented 12 years ago

is there any development for that ? thanks :)

bytespider commented 12 years ago

Yes I currently rewriting the OAuth 1.0 parts to work as a XHR drop in, once i'm happy with that I'll start with the 2.0 bits. If anyone feels like starting the ground work for 2.0 please do as i have lots of other work so my time is sparse

bytespider commented 12 years ago

Anyone watching this have any OAuth 2 services they'd like to see the code tested against?

lukaszkorecki commented 12 years ago

gimmebar - I'm using it as a testing service when trying to write OAuth2 support on my own branch, but I didn't get too far. I'm keeping it local for the time being because:

However - I could just create an oauth2 server in ruby, which could be used as a testing env, would that help?

bytespider commented 12 years ago

I too don't have much time. I may perhaps look up your branch for some ideas. Ah Gimmebar has OAuth2, i'll use that, have you the effort.

lukaszkorecki commented 12 years ago

I'll try to clean it over the weekend up and push it to experimental branch.