Closed ghost closed 12 years ago
I assume you are reading the documentation provided by LinkedIn?
It looks as though you are using get, where the LinkedIn API is expecting a POST. Also its highly likely you'll need to setVerifier
so that jsOAuth can include it in the hash.
Sorry about that, posted the wrong code. I am using POST.
And according to this:, after authorization of my app, I would be sent to my URL as specified in the oauth_callback. I should receive the oauth_token and oauth_token_secret and the oauth_verifier but I do not see this in the onLocation callback function (please see last line below)
I am not using oob so from what I understand I should not set the verifier with setVerifier
For the acessToken set how do I know all of these are set? I get most are handled by the library? oauth_consumer_key oauth_nonce oauth_signature_method oauth_timestamp oauth_token oauth_verifier oauth_version
var options = {
callbackUrl: '' }; // YOUR URL
oauth = OAuth(options);'', null,
function(data) {
requestParams = data.text;
console.log('requestParams: (request) ' + requestParams);
authUrl = ''+returnParamValue('oauth_token', requestParams);
console.log('authUrl: ' + authUrl);
cb.showWebPage(authUrl); // This opens the LinkedIn authorization / sign in page
cb.onLocationChange = function(loc){ success(loc); }; // When the ChildBrowser URL changes we need to track that
function(data) {
console.log("ERROR: "+ JSON.stringify(data));
function success(loc) {
We will check to see if the childBrowser's new URL matches our callBackURL
console.log('location: ' + loc);
requestParams: (request) oauth_token=3064fd0e-9920-41f7-b47e-d189ba6b13ce&oauth_token_secret=d547896f-778a-4c46-81cc-930f1f4796a7&oauth_callback_confirmed=true& authUrl: location: location:
You still need to setVerifier() so jsoauth knows to include it in the hashing, this is the oauth_verifier passed back to you, you also need to set accessToken the token key and secret provided in the previous response.
I am unable to get a oauth_verifier with the most current version of the jsOAuth (1.3.1) library running in a phonegap + jquerymobile app.
Both twitter and facebook integration runs fine. Is LinkedIn supported?
Sample code:
auth.get('', function(data) { requestParams = data.text; console.log("Log: requestParams: " + data.text); window.plugins.childBrowser.showWebPage(''+data.text, { showLocationBar : locbar }); }, function(data) { alert('Error : No Authorization'); console.log("Log: 2 Error " + data); } );
I am redirected to the login screen I grant access to the application I am redirected to the callback url with the oauth verifier and the oauth token.
Then I go for the accessToken
oauth.get(''+verifier+"&"+requestParams, function(data) { alert("Data"+data); request2Params = data.text; console.log("Log: requestParams: " + data.text); //window.plugins.childBrowser.showWebPage(''+newParams, // { showLocationBar : true }); }, function(data) { alert('Error : No Authorization'); console.log("Log: 2 Error " + data.text); } );
I get:
OAuth realm="", oauth_problem="signature_invalid", oauth_problem_advice=""