There have been issues bringing BYU/fasm2bels up to date with SymbiFlow/fasm2bels so I am trying to work out those kinks. I think I ran fasm2bels correctly but nothing really spat out in the terminal so I'm not sure. Helping the EcEn ambassadors with NSO today so if I don't finish fasm2bels tonight, it will be finished either Saturday or Monday. I am so so close!
There have been issues bringing BYU/fasm2bels up to date with SymbiFlow/fasm2bels so I am trying to work out those kinks. I think I ran fasm2bels correctly but nothing really spat out in the terminal so I'm not sure. Helping the EcEn ambassadors with NSO today so if I don't finish fasm2bels tonight, it will be finished either Saturday or Monday. I am so so close!