byu-magicc / roscopter

*Under Development* - A fully-featured multirotor autopilot for ROS
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EKF Ros Node #42

Closed mmmfarrell closed 4 years ago

mmmfarrell commented 4 years ago

Fixed EKF ROS node to work using a "mocap" measurement.

In simulation using the roscopter_sim multirotor.launch launch file, the UAV flies off of its estimates using only /imu/data and ground_truth/odometry/NED as a psuedo mocap measurement.

Needs to be flown in hardware in the mocap room to make sure it really works.

Also fixed the random flip out that would sometimes happen in the Gazebo sim. This would happen due to uninitialized values being used to compute the forces applied to the UAV.

erconui commented 4 years ago

Ran this under manual control in the mocap room and the rqt_plot shows mocap-estimator the mocap NED line up perfectly with the estimator's output NED coordinates.

erconui commented 4 years ago

Also ran this using waypoint following in the mocap room, the drone was able to successfully follow those waypoints for the entire flight.