byuweb / HTML-Templates

Development for BYU responsive theme
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Significant issues in IE for intranet sites #85

Open jinglesthula opened 10 years ago

jinglesthula commented 10 years ago

The template is more-or-less entirely broken under the following conditions:

I'm not sure how many entities on campus have actual intranet sites, but this would affect them. It also affects me if I'm developing locally and want to test in IE9 (apparently a server on my local machine counts as an intranet).

Even if campus decides to only support 10 and 11, 9 still has significant market share.

Relevant info on what causes the bug and how to work around it:

I would not at all recommend removing the conditional comments in the project, as the scope is limited.

As a side note, IE8 and earlier users are up a creek w/o a paddle regardless, although market share for them may be low enough that it's not a concern. Although, I'd make it clear to campus groups who intend to implement the template exactly which browsers are supported so that information can inform their decision of whether to upgrade to this template.

nwalton3 commented 10 years ago

Thanks for the heads up on this one. I'll get that fixed.

nwalton3 commented 10 years ago

@jinglesthula Is there something significant about an intranet on IE9 vs an external site? I'm assuming if someone wants to set this up as an intranet (with only internal references) they'll have to download the shared assets and turn off the web fonts. Is there something other than that as far as an intranet?

The templates were really planned and designed for internet sites; I don't think we've really considered the unique requirements for intranet use. If there's demand, it's probably worth addressing, but right now it's not really on the radar.

I'm doing some more IE testing now to try and catch other IE issues.

jinglesthula commented 10 years ago

The significance I think lies in the fact that there's a checkbox in IE9 that's checked by default that will cause it to display intranet sites in compatibility mode. I'm not familiar with campus entities other than my department to know whether or how many intranet applications are in existence, so I can't speak to that.

However, any developer running a server on their local machine will experience the issue if they for some bizarro reason decide to use IE9 for development. I'm guessing most devs will have 10+ installed, and that if people understand that their external users will see things working correctly if they're using 9 and that they can untick the box or manually change the document mode if they want to do any IE testing, then it shouldn't be a huge issue. I'm going to make our dev team aware in case they run into it.

Other than that it may be best just to include a comment about it in release notes for the template rather than putting effort into addressing it in code.