Open anuC opened 2 months ago
The short answer is Yes. Let's move the discussion to email. What is your email?
Thank you for the prompt reply. My email ID is Any help would be highly appreciated.
Hi Bo,
Follow up with my analysis for protein-protein interaction, I have downloaded the bait protein spectra from Bioplex in RAW format. Later, the raw files were converted to mgf format with msconvert GUI using the command -
C:\Users\msconvert.exe" --mgf --zlib --filter "peakPicking vendor msLevel=1-" --filter "titleMaker <RunId>.<ScanNumber>.<ScanNumber>.<ChargeState> File:"""^<SourcePath^>""", NativeID:"""^<Id^>"""" "b8445.raw" "j9529.raw"
mgf files were later analysed with PepQuery, with both 'known protein validation' and 'novel protein validation' approaches, as shown below
For known protein approach, I have added the protein of interest in the reference database in fasta format - java -Xmx40G -jar pepquery-2.0.2/pepquery-2.0.2.jar -db reference_db.fasta -ms combined.mgf -hc -s 2 -m 1 -o PepQ-out/ -i ch_450 -t protein -fast -tol 50 -itol 0.05
For novel protein validation - java -Xmx40G -jar pepquery-2.0.2/pepquery-2.0.2.jar -ms combined.mgf -db RefSeq_HomoSap.fasta -hc -s 1 -m 1 -o Pep_450_novel -i MARAGNPAPSRWTKTTAAPTRRTAPRREPSTGWWTWRGKPTSCRPRRAWTMEAVFKASSS -t protein -fast -tol 50 -itol 0.05
Am I doing it correctly?. It would be great if you could let me know your comments here.
Many thanks in advance Anu
First of all, thank you for such wonderful tool. I'm working with proteins translated from new ORFs and I predicted that the new protein interact with another protein, say for e.g. protein X. Now, I would like to validate this prediction with analysis of available AP-MS datasets for the protein X (bait). Will it be possible to use PepQuery here, to look for whether the new protein present in the interactome of the protein X (using a related approach of 'validating known peptide identification' from PepQuery2 article - Nat. Commu. 2023, 14, 2213).? If so, as a beginner with no prior experience in MS data handling, what are the different steps I should follow after downloading the corresponding thermo raw data?
Any help would be highly appreciated
Thanks in advance Anu