bzhn / PassphraseBot

Telegram bot that generates secure and easy to memorise mnemonic passwords
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New commands #5

Open bzhn opened 1 year ago

bzhn commented 1 year ago

Add some new commands and implement related functions. image

/generate Send password message with generated password using specified or default wordlist and show inline buttons with default contents.

/list Send message with description of every existing wordlists and append inline buttons for each wordlsit. When user clicks on one of the wordlists name, use Redis cache to store user's choose. In the program code create a map of string slices, where each wordlist will be placed. The key will be the code of wordlist.

/addlist do not develop currently. Maybe in the future user will be able to add custom wordlist.

/vault Used to display all stored passwords in the database.

/encryption Allows user to specify password for password encryption.

/search Is used to search through user's passwords. Later It's possible to implement inlline search.

bzhn commented 1 year ago

Have already done /list, /sep and /number commands.