c-ancia / diskplayer

Reads and writes floppy disks to play Spotify albums and playlists using a Raspberry Pi 4.
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Diskplayer.contents not moving to floppy disk #1

Open drezelrs opened 2 years ago

drezelrs commented 2 years ago

When accessing the virtual host at http://RASPPI IP/diskplayer/ I try to write a spotify album URL to the floppy and it properly writes the diskplayer.contents file into tmp, but it doesn't properly move the file to the floppy disk.

My floppy drive mounts to /media/pi/Floppy Disk/ not sure if there's a way to change it to /media/floppy/

Here is my copyfiles.sh code:

# /etc/init.d/copyfiles.sh
# Provides:          copyfiles.sh
# Required-Start:    $remote_fs $syslog
# Required-Stop:     $remote_fs $syslog
# Default-Start:     2 3 4 5
# Default-Stop:      0 1 6
# Short-Description: Copies file to the floppy
# Description:       Copies specific file from tmp folder to the mounted floppy once created

inotifywait -m /home/pi/diskplayer/tmp -e create @__init__.py |
    while read path action file; do
        if [ "$file" = "diskplayer.contents" ]; then
            sudo chown root:root "${path}/${file}"
            sudo chmod 777 "${path}/${file}"
            sudo mv "${path}/${file}" /media/pi/Floppy Disk/diskplayer.contents
c-ancia commented 2 years ago

Hi @drezelrs ,

Not sure how to solve this one as I don't know how to replicate your problem unfortunately.

It does sound like a permission issue though. Are you using root or an admin user?