c-bata / kube-prompt

An interactive kubernetes client featuring auto-complete.
MIT License
1.78k stars 133 forks source link

CVE issues #83

Closed thedadams closed 1 year ago

thedadams commented 3 years ago

A trivy scan of the repo indicates that there a few CVE issues with dependencies (likely k8s libraries). Please consider updating the libraries to address the (>= HIGH) vulnerabilities.

|           LIBRARY           | VULNERABILITY ID | SEVERITY |         INSTALLED VERSION         |           FIXED VERSION            |                 TITLE                 |
| github.com/dgrijalva/jwt-go | CVE-2020-26160   | HIGH     | 3.2.0+incompatible                | v4.0.0-preview1                    | jwt-go: access restriction            |
|                             |                  |          |                                   |                                    | bypass vulnerability                  |
|                             |                  |          |                                   |                                    | -->avd.aquasec.com/nvd/cve-2020-26160 |
+-----------------------------+------------------+          +-----------------------------------+------------------------------------+---------------------------------------+
| golang.org/x/crypto         | CVE-2020-29652   |          | 0.0.0-20190820162420-60c769a6c586 | v0.0.0-20201216223049-8b5274cf687f | golang: crypto/ssh: crafted           |
|                             |                  |          |                                   |                                    | authentication request can            |
|                             |                  |          |                                   |                                    | lead to nil pointer dereference       |
|                             |                  |          |                                   |                                    | -->avd.aquasec.com/nvd/cve-2020-29652 |
+                             +------------------+          +                                   +------------------------------------+---------------------------------------+
|                             | CVE-2020-9283    |          |                                   | v0.0.0-20200220183623-bac4c82f6975 | golang.org/x/crypto: Processing       |
|                             |                  |          |                                   |                                    | of crafted ssh-ed25519                |
|                             |                  |          |                                   |                                    | public keys allows for panic          |
|                             |                  |          |                                   |                                    | -->avd.aquasec.com/nvd/cve-2020-9283  |