c-blake / cligen

Nim library to infer/generate command-line-interfaces / option / argument parsing; Docs at
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Add example TOML config for cligen #141

Closed kaushalmodi closed 4 years ago

kaushalmodi commented 4 years ago

Ref: https://github.com/c-blake/cligen/pull/140

c-blake commented 4 years ago

So, I re-arranged things as discussed. The one change that bears repeating on top of the commit message and RELEASE_NOTES.md patches is that I renamed your clCfgToml to cgCfgToml ('l' -> 'g') which might be easy to miss since it's only a one-letter change but might break your build/testing.

It's probably about ready to release 0.9.46 which I would like to do soon to get any (probably negative) feedback before then releasing again as 1.0. But let's test it ourselves for the rest of the week before that 46 release.

c-blake commented 4 years ago

Well, in light of the Nim CI being horribly broken and testing a mishmash of versions we should maybe release 0.9.46 sooner. But I'd like you to at least test the TOML stuff with my changes before I do that.

kaushalmodi commented 4 years ago

Yes, I am following that conversation. I can test in 40 minutes. Testing it yourself is easy too.. just nimble install parsetoml, place that example config.toml in your .config/cligen and compile with that define.

Before you release, why is the prefix "cl" used for the file clCfgInit.nim (I just copied that for TOML), but "cg" is used for everything else (vars, defines)? Should those "cl" prefixes in files be removed because they anyways live in "cligen" dir? If not, then have the same "cg" prefix as everything else?

c-blake commented 4 years ago

cg for C)LI G)EN is used elsewhere. cligen/ is the package namespace and the variable name is clCfg. So the files are <varName><operation>. Arguably the global var should maybe have been called cgCfg instead, but changing that now would break code and probably isn't worth that perturbation.

c-blake commented 4 years ago

We could also change the convention for the cligen/*(Init|Toml) to be just cligen/cfgInit.nim and cligen/cfgToml.nim. I don't really care that much one way or the other, but was just explaining my thinking.

c-blake commented 4 years ago

It may inform the thought process here that clCfg is just the global var for default. A CL author can have several such ClCfg instances, init them however they want and pass them into the dispatch macros, etc. This is also a way for you to avoid repetitive passing in your dispatchMulti to change usage templates/etc. although doing that now might block a CL user from modifying said templates to be colorized/whatever.

kaushalmodi commented 4 years ago

I have only used 1 instance, the default clCfg. So does the clCfgInit affects only that default object and not all? If so, I can understand the current names.

Final nitpick: change clCfgToml.nim to clCfgInitToml.nim?

c-blake commented 4 years ago

Yeah. Just the default clCfg.

If we did your final nitpick we'd want to rename the other one, too, to like clCfgInitParseCfg.nim which is getting kind of ornate/wordy like the clCfgInitFromToml.nim kind of school of identifiers. I don't think I'll ever be distributing a 3rd parser and the short name is fine. I mean, it's not like you do much with a config file besides init stuff. So, clCfgParseCfg.nim is another idea (dropping the "Init"), but eh. That has its own little confusions. So, in short nothing really seems perfect and the current set up seems ok to me.

kaushalmodi commented 4 years ago

we'd want to rename the other one, too, to like clCfgInitParseCfg.nim

We are allowing that file to be overridden by the user in their projects. There, that file is not tied to use any parser. So clCfgInit.nim makes sense there.

So, in short nothing really seems perfect and the current set up seems ok to me.

Sure :)

c-blake commented 4 years ago

Another good point. One way to block CL uses modifying anything would be to create a zero-length cligen/clCfgInit.nim. :-)

Someday, if the Nim stdlib inducts parsetoml, I could be persuaded to maybe default to the TOML one. The end-CL user formats are so close that it probably wouldn't matter that much. But then we'd probably just delete (or replace by empty the clCfgTom.nim and put the TOML code in clCfgInit.nim and that name would still make sense.

kaushalmodi commented 4 years ago

Everything is working fine from HEAD. Just 1 pending renaming remaining in configs/README.md:

-d:clCfgToml -> -d:cgCfgToml

c-blake commented 4 years ago


c-blake commented 4 years ago

Actually, if parsetoml gets inducted into the Nim stdlib then we would be better off just having a search path that tried ".toml" first, then without the ".toml" and just dispatched to the appropriate parser. As long as any 3rd parties only replace via include cligen/clCfgInit.nim then they'll be fine in that future day when we make the shipped-clCfgInit smart enough to parse either. Since the Init fork is the default that's almost surely what they'd pick, too.

c-blake commented 4 years ago

Well, I just tested it with TOML mode, too and it worked fine. So, I think it's probably ready to release. Agree?

kaushalmodi commented 4 years ago

if parsetoml gets inducted into the Nim stdlib

I hope it does. But I doubt it because it kind of competes with the existing parsecfg stdlib.

we would be better off just having a search path that tried ".toml" first, then without the ".toml" and just dispatched to the appropriate parser.

Yes, I thought of that yesterday, but that would be elegant if that tailend code dealing with CLIGEN env var parsing. etc. is done DRY in a single wrapper file, and then calling one or the other apply proc based on the found config. That certainly doesn't need to gate this release.

c-blake commented 4 years ago

What bugs me about parsecfg is the single-" inside a triple-""" does not get closed out. so you say foo = """.... "string with space""" . I'm not sure if it's even possible to have >1 such string with spaces but none of my programs have so far needed >1 such string. I have comments about this in the example lc and procs configs.

The problem with that CLIGEN-driven dispatch now is that parsetoml would still need to be installed just to compile anything. That's the only reason I don't "only use" that one. I feel kinda strongly that "just CLI parsing" is kind of "leaf package functionality" and should not imply even learning nimble. git clone cligen; add --path:wherever (on nim c cmd line or in a config) and you are good to go. We could organize it differently so that -d:cgCfgToml just activated that CLIGEN-smarts, though.

kaushalmodi commented 4 years ago

What bugs me about parsecfg is the single-" inside a triple-""" does not get closed out. so you say foo = """.... "string with space"""

I don't understand the problem. Should that be a bug report for parsecfg?

The problem with that CLIGEN-driven dispatch now is that parsetoml would still need to be installed just to compile anything.

I didn't understand the "CLIGEN-driven dispatch" part? With the current code in master, cligen still compiles without parsetoml, right?

c-blake commented 4 years ago

Probably should be a bug report for parsecfg. Nim core has a lot of these DSLs that have, shall we say, fragile/incomplete parsers.

Sorry..a couple of "currently"s in play. The current code compiles fine. If we adapted the current CLIGEN code to dispatch based on run-time data like the filename found/$CLIGEN then it would need a when guard. Then some error message and a qustion about if we even warn if config.toml exists but the program was not compiled with -d:cgCfgToml. Just various questions.

kaushalmodi commented 4 years ago

it would need a when guard. Then some error message and a qustion about if we even warn if config.toml exists but the program was not compiled with -d:cgCfgToml

I take care of that in my last PR :)

c-blake commented 4 years ago

You seem to love strformat and so you probably know about this recent fragile/incomplete parsing example, but just in case you didn't: https://forum.nim-lang.org/t/6250

kaushalmodi commented 4 years ago

You seem to love strformat

You got that right! :D A while back, I did some serious analysis of that module: https://scripter.co/notes/nim-fmt/

Yes, I saw that, but I haven't yet needed to have double quotes in my formatting 🤞

c-blake commented 4 years ago

Yeah. For cligen-proper configs it's unlikely. Colors are more useful. I only really do it for lc/procs display format strings.