c-cube / printbox

print nested boxes, lists, arrays, tables in several formats
BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License
75 stars 9 forks source link

Tree connectors touching frames #26

Closed lukstafi closed 1 year ago

lukstafi commented 1 year ago


What was the motivation behind not bleeding the tree connectors into the box frames? I think it would look nicer. E.g.

│┌─┐                                          │
││+│                                          │
│└─┘                                          │
│├─┌──┐                                       │
││ │*.│                                       │
││ └──┘                                       │
││ ├─┌───────┐                                │
││ │ │[34] *.│                                │
││ │ └───────┘                                │
││ │ ├─┌─┐                                    │
││ │ │ │+│                                    │
││ │ │ └─┘


│┌─┐                                          │
││+│                                          │
│├─┘                                          │
│├─┬──┐                                       │
││ │*.│                                       │
││ ├──┘                                       │
││ ├─┬───────┐                                │
││ │ │[34] *.│                                │
││ │ ├───────┘                                │
││ │ ├─┬─┐                                    │
││ │ │ │+│                                    │
││ │ │ ├─┘
c-cube commented 1 year ago

simple oversight, I think :). This requires more code which was simply not written. I think a PR for that would be very welcome if you feel motivated!

lukstafi commented 1 year ago

Thanks, will do!

lukstafi commented 1 year ago

I wrote a PR: https://github.com/c-cube/printbox/pull/29