c-d-a / io_export_qmap

.map exporter for Blender
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Mesh option per object ? #8

Closed motorsep closed 1 year ago

motorsep commented 1 year ago

Would it be possible to add functionality to export into .map where individual meshes export according to mesh option set via custom properties on that mesh and with meshes that have no custom property set to be exported according to mesh option selected in the add-on's UI ?

This would allow for a lot greater flexibility when making complex maps (as some objects/meshes might require specific mesh option).

c-d-a commented 1 year ago

A sound suggestion, but I'll have to think how to implement it. Custom properties are unwieldy, can't even copy them from active to selected objects. On the other hand, I'd like to avoid polluting the blender file with custom object data and extra panels.

motorsep commented 1 year ago

Alternatively, you could use Attributes, like so (I don't know if you could, but just an idea): image

And maybe add a floating panel UI to assign attribute from a drop-down selector (or just set of buttons like in the UI of the add-on currently) as typing it would be unwieldy for every mesh in the scene (hopefully attributes can be assigned to multiple selected objects).

c-d-a commented 1 year ago

Logically, this is a per-object setting rather than per-mesh, so it has to be something on the Object Properties tab (the orange one). Ideally I'd just re-use some tickbox that has the least chance of interfering with the user's scene, maybe "Texture Space" or something. That's totally unintuitive though, obviously. Anyway, I'll think about it.

c-d-a commented 1 year ago

Added in https://github.com/c-d-a/io_export_qmap/commit/671c32fd302da8767193137fa3a6ae9b8397feb3 override Ended up adding both a custom property and a custom panel. Might make them toggleable in the preferences at some later point.