c-frame / aframe-editor

:mag: Visual inspector tool for A-Frame. Hit *<ctrl> + <alt> + i* on any A-Frame scene.
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In XR editor functionalities #5

Open vincentfretin opened 8 months ago

vincentfretin commented 8 months ago

@Utopiah is interested in a VR editor mode, components for that may leave in a separate repo as a plugin for aframe-editor (to be defined). If there are any change to do in this repo that would make easier to support that, we can do it. Some notes on his repo: https://git.benetou.fr/utopiah/text-code-xr-engine/issues/99

Utopiah commented 8 months ago

Indeed, more than "interested" I'm working on it ;)

I'd rather not pollute this repository as it's in a good state. Still, keeping composability in mind is crucial (that's IMHO the main value of AFrame and ECS with components maintained and shared by the community) so considering a plugin could be a good architecture choice. A lot of functions would indeed be identical, namely adding entities, components, selecting existing ones, etc and I suppose "only" the UI and UX would differ, namely manipulating an entity via hand tracking rather than mouse and keyboard. Consequently such an immersive plugin for the editor would rely on the editor (and formally inspector) manipulation by code but provide another way, hopefully more direct while in XR, to edit content.

Utopiah commented 8 months ago

A specific constraint I do have, which is a personal design preference, is to be "no-build" in order to iterative faster. This is particularly important as I give workshops, including to non professional developers in order to make XR more accessible to a wider audience. For such a crowd, but even for myself I admit, being able to "just" edit the content and see a change without going first through intermediary steps (i.e installing node, npm, going through the command line, etc) is fundamental.

If going through a plugin solution, unless it's entirely impossible, I would much rather be able to avoid any build step.