I think there are some stuffs not freed... the only way to know is valgrind and I didn't run it at all from the start.
We must integrate in the CI/CD a whole pipeline for Valgrind checks.
Maybe create a spectific docker image to run valgrind.
We must get logs and reports from valgrind, maybe with a script in it (c, python, shell, ...) to run valgrind and get all of this.
I think there are some stuffs not freed... the only way to know is valgrind and I didn't run it at all from the start. We must integrate in the CI/CD a whole pipeline for Valgrind checks. Maybe create a spectific docker image to run valgrind. We must get logs and reports from valgrind, maybe with a script in it (c, python, shell, ...) to run valgrind and get all of this.
Inspiration from : https://github.com/steinwurf/stub/blob/master/.github/workflows/valgrind.yml Calling https://github.com/steinwurf/valgrind-action/blob/5.0.0/.github/workflows/action.yml with their own image.