c-o-l-i-n / joshies

🚀 (Work in Progress) Supercharge dynamic, multi-day competitions with realtime brackets, betting, analytics, and more
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Session Dashboard #23

Open theuphonist opened 1 week ago

theuphonist commented 1 week ago

Currently, the UI is built to be compatible with mobile devices. For presentation purposes, it would be nice to have a session dashboard to show a summary of statistics and game state on a larger screen such as a TV. Some potential items to include on the dashboard would be:

Rankings Table

This one is self-explanatory--just a list of each player's points and ranking.

Current Round/Phase and Next Round/Phase

This would be the same as what is shown on the mobile homepage, the current round/phase with event info, and the next round/phase with event info.

Point Value Graph

A graph showing each player's points over time, same as the one shown on the analytics page.

Bet Ticker

A running ticker showing active bets, similar to a stock market ticker.


A "slideshow" of player superlatives. An superlative would be the EMP equivalent of bonus stars in Mario Party. Examples could be:

Feelin' Blue: Buddy has landed on the most blue spaces. Degenerate: Tyler has lost the most points gambling. Alcoholic: Tim has taken the most shots to avoid losing points.

This would require some sort of infrastructure to track superlatives, which could be useful for assigning some random "bonus stars" at the end of the session.

c-o-l-i-n commented 1 week ago

Some duel stats might be fun. Something like "latest duels," or a ticker/slideshow of each player's duel stats (like on the /analytics/player-duel-stats page).

Also, bank balance, like on the home page.