c-scale-community / workflow-coastal-hydrowaq

Porting and deploying the HiSea use case on C-SCALE
Apache License 2.0
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C-SCALE computing resources: take them or lose them! #38

Open sebastian-luna-valero opened 1 year ago

sebastian-luna-valero commented 1 year ago


This use case currently has the following resources allocated:

Do you think that's enough for the next 9 months? C-SCALE currently has spare capacity that can be allocated now, so if you need to scale up, please let us know asap!

If we don't hear from you by Friday 30th Sept we will assume that you don't need more capacity and we will then reuse the spare capacity in C-SCALE for other use cases.

On the other hand, if you no longer need C-SCALE computing resources, please let us know as well as they will be reused properly.

Best regards, C-SCALE

sebastian-luna-valero commented 1 year ago

cc: @backeb @lorincmeszaros

backeb commented 1 year ago

Hi @sebastian-luna-valero

For the HiSea use case our next steps are:

We also want to do performance tests with the current cloud workflow, including:

We would run the workflow for longer periods, e.g. simulating one or multiple years instead of the 5 day simulations we've been testing on.

We would still like to use CREODIAS and GRNET for these tests, but I'm not sure if we will consume all allocated resources.

enolfc commented 1 year ago

Hi @backeb

Thanks for this input.

Some initial comments:

You have 1M CPU hours at the HPC, if we count from here to the end of the project (9 months, 730 hours in average per month), that's 152 cores running all time, which is not small amount.

Snakemake supports sending parts of the workflow to kubernetes and to a batch system, so I assume you could use the same tool for interacting both with cloud and HPC. Is that your plan? If so, could we get started by deploying kubernetes on the cloud allocation for GRNET?

backeb commented 1 year ago

Woah! Yeah that's a lot of HPC.

I've posted messages internally at Deltares to ask if anyone is interested in using HPC for their simulations.

I doubt we will consume all of that.

cc @lorincmeszaros

backeb commented 1 year ago

Hi @enolfc

I just spoke to a colleague about a potential HPC use case from Deltares, that requires A LOT of resources. They did a back of the envelope calculation on how much it would cost to run their experiments on a commercial provider and ended up with O(500,000EUR)... I'm pushing them to use our resources.

Challenge is that they would only really start working in Jan 2023, unless the can get some PMs internally. I don't have many PMs left in my C-SCALE budget, I need to save some for work next year. Will keep you posted and also ask them to provide some requirements.