c-topherl / brewCom

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get_order_detail request #60

Closed c-topherl closed 8 years ago

c-topherl commented 8 years ago

Same thing... you're sending delivery method = right now. Can we get a human readable description?

joelmeister commented 8 years ago

in addition to delivery_method_id and delivery_method, the detail also sends delivery_method_code, which will just be a semi-readable short hand version of the delivery method.

mysql> select * from delivery_methods;
| id | code | description       | last_updated        |
|  1 | pu   | Pick-up           | 2016-03-29 19:34:03 |
|  2 | stnd | Standard Delivery | 2016-03-29 19:34:21 |
|  3 | 1day | One Day Delivery  | 2016-03-29 19:34:44 |