I am writing this issue to ask how can I test SANet with single-image defocus deblurring task (DPDD).
In the paper, it was said that:
To verify the effectiveness of our SANet, we conduct extensive experiments on several image restoration tasks, including single-image defocus deblurring (DPDD [Abuolaim and Brown, 2020]), image dehazing (RESIDE [Li et al., 2018]), and image desnowing (CSD [Chen et al., 2021]).
However, the released source code has no way to reproduce the result of the task with DPDD dataset.
So, how can I reproduce the single-image defocus deblurring task?
Dear Yuning Cui,
I am writing this issue to ask how can I test SANet with single-image defocus deblurring task (DPDD).
In the paper, it was said that:
However, the released source code has no way to reproduce the result of the task with DPDD dataset.
So, how can I reproduce the single-image defocus deblurring task?
Looking forward to hearing from you.
Thanks in advance.