It seems that brunch-sass downloads node-sass, which attempts to download musl_binding 72 (whatever that is) which is then not found:
Downloading binary from
Cannot download "":
HTTP error 404 Not Found
And then everything goes to hell. Steps to reproduce:
docker pull elixir:1.9-alpine
# don't skip the previous step, it only fails with latest image that is based on alpine:3.11
docker run --rm elixir:1.9-alpine /bin/sh -c "apk add --update nodejs npm && npm install sass-brunch"
When attempting the same with image alpine:3.10, things work fine. I realise that this is an upstream issue, but it breaks all of our Phoenix projects which still use Brunch, which is quite a lot.
It seems that brunch-sass downloads node-sass, which attempts to download musl_binding 72 (whatever that is) which is then not found:
And then everything goes to hell. Steps to reproduce:
When attempting the same with image alpine:3.10, things work fine. I realise that this is an upstream issue, but it breaks all of our Phoenix projects which still use Brunch, which is quite a lot.