c0c0n3 / kitt4sme.live

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Request information about thirty party application integration in cluster #335

Closed beltramoeinventio closed 8 months ago

beltramoeinventio commented 11 months ago

We are developing an thirty part application for kitt4sme application (AIMS 4 QC for kitt4sme t7.4 type-B). In technical application request is mentioned to create a docker-compose file to integrate application. Being Kitt4sme application running inside a Kubernetis cluster is supposed to use yaml file in order to attach a new application inside the cluster. So the question is:

kostasgrevenitis commented 11 months ago

Good morning.

Start from here. https://github.com/c0c0n3/kitt4sme.live/blob/open-calls/docs/bootstrap.md

What we asked from the open call initially, is to have everything up and running in a docker compose file till September, and then move to a kubernetes cluster. If you already have a kubernetes cluster and you are happy with it, keep working like that.