c0c0n3 / odoo.box

All of Martel's Odoo stack on just one NixOS machine.
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EC2 test VM #12

Closed c0c0n3 closed 5 months ago

c0c0n3 commented 5 months ago

This PR implements the NixOS system config to run on EC2 ARM64 (Graviton) instances.

We tested this config with m6g.xlarge, m6g.2xlarge, c6g.xlarge, c6g.2xlarge, and t4g.2xlarge instance types. At the moment we have a t4g.2xlarge instance since it seems to offer better performance vs cost trade-offs.

The config in this PR isn't exactly the one we'll use in prod, but it's close enough. The only things we'll have to change for prod are