c0c0n3 / odoo.box

All of Martel's Odoo stack on just one NixOS machine.
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Odoo session reaper #25

Closed c0c0n3 closed 3 months ago

c0c0n3 commented 3 months ago

This PR implements Odoo session management. In detail,

c0c0n3 commented 3 months ago

Here's some notes about what we've found out about the way Odoo 14 manages sessions.

Session lifecycle

When you hit Odoo w/o having logged in, you get a 90-day-valid anon session cookie a which you can only really use to access the login page and download pub assets like images and CSS. There's a corresponding serialised session state s(a) Odoo stores under data/sessions.

If you don't log in, s(a) doesn't get deleted until the session GC procedure kicks in, which is the next time someone logs in after one week:

But if you log in, you get a 90-day-valid authenticated session cookie c and a corresponding serialised session s(c) whereas s(a) gets deleted. When you log out, Odoo deletes s(c) but it redirects you to the login page, so you get a fresh anon cookie a' and session state s(a') again. So the session dir will fill up w/ junk over time. If you don't log out and just close the browser window, you'll still be able to use your cookie c for at least a week as inactive sessions are garbage-collected on a weekly-basis:

Disabling session GC

Turns out you can stop Odoo from deleting inactive sessions after a week:

This means sessions can last as long as 90 days. Of course, you'll have to clean up stale sessions yourself, but that we'd have to do anyway since Odoo seems to leak session state, so even with the GC procedure in place, you could wind up with one gazillion files in data/sessions. Too many files in there also means slow directory access which in turn means Odoo slows down too since it has to check session state on each call.

Inactive sessions

Every time you hit Odoo with a valid session cookie c, the corresponding serialised session state s(c) gets updated. This means we've got an easy way to figure out how long a session has been inactive: just look at the last-modified file attr of s(c).