c0dycode / BL3HotfixWebUI

WebUI code for my BL3 Hotfix Mod Tool
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The program doesn't apply hotfixes #6

Closed yurii-sio2 closed 3 years ago

yurii-sio2 commented 3 years ago

The program doesn't apply hotfixes.

I downloaded the game from a torrent and I don't have any account at gearbox/shift/steam etc.

When I run B3HM.exe and open the GUI, I can setup everything. Then I run the game and I can see in the logs info about successful patching of the game and DLL successful injection.

(this is the original log, that I copied from a browser, in the line with "Launching server..." there are no enters)

2020-12-28 22:54:25 : Injected DLL into Borderlands3.exe
2020-12-28 22:54:24 : StartupMovies was already patched!
2020-12-28 22:54:23 : Borderlands 3 process found!
2020-12-28 22:54:23 : Waiting for Borderlands3.exe...
2020-12-28 22:54:23 : Starting ProxyServer!
2020-12-28 22:54:23 : Registering Callbacks!
2020-12-28 22:54:23 : Starting CoreProxy Management!
2020-12-28 22:54:23 : Launching server (version: 1.00) with parameters: exitOnGameClose: false verbose: true replaceHotfixes: false HotfixURLS: [G:\Games\BL3 modding\bl3hotfixmodding\injectdata\Apocalyptech\loot_changes\fix_dlc_shield_drops\fix_dlc_shield_drops.bl3hotfix G:\Games\BL3 modding\bl3hotfixmodding\injectdata\Apocalyptech\gear_changes\p2p_networker_element_fix\p2p_networker_element_fix.bl3hotfix G:\Games\BL3 modding\bl3hotfixmodding\injectdata\Grimm\Playthrough\Playthrough.bl3hotfix G:\Games\BL3 modding\bl3hotfixmodding\injectdata\Apocalyptech\loot_changes\no_wasted_equipment\no_wasted_equipment.bl3hotfix G:\Games\BL3 modding\bl3hotfixmodding\injectdata\Apocalyptech\qol\photo_mode_unlock\photo_mode_unlock.bl3hotfix G:\Games\BL3 modding\bl3hotfixmodding\injectdata\Apocalyptech\gear_changes\fix_siren_com_blank_parts\fix_siren_com_blank_parts.bl3hotfix G:\Games\BL3 modding\bl3hotfixmodding\injectdata\Apocalyptech\gear_changes\silent_sellout\silent_sellout.bl3hotfix G:\Games\BL3 modding\bl3hotfixmodding\injectdata\SSpyR\bugfix\green_monster_clickclick_fix.bl3hotfix G:\Games\BL3 modding\bl3hotfixmodding\injectdata\Apocalyptech\gear_changes\red_text_explainer\red_text_explainer.bl3hotfix G:\Games\BL3 modding\bl3hotfixmodding\injectdata\Grimm\Gear\WeaponScale.bl3hotfix G:\Games\BL3 modding\bl3hotfixmodding\injectdata\Apocalyptech\qol\more_visible_echo_logs\more_visible_echo_logs.bl3hotfix [DISABLED] G:\Games\BL3 modding\bl3hotfixmodding\injectdata\Apocalyptech\gear_changes\all_weapons_can_anoint\all_weapons_can_anoint.bl3hotfix] Port: 9999

Here is the reformated version for comfort reading

G:\Games\BL3 modding\bl3hotfixmodding\injectdata\Apocalyptech\loot_changes\fix_dlc_shield_drops\fix_dlc_shield_drops.bl3hotfix
G:\Games\BL3 modding\bl3hotfixmodding\injectdata\Apocalyptech\gear_changes\p2p_networker_element_fix\p2p_networker_element_fix.bl3hotfix
G:\Games\BL3 modding\bl3hotfixmodding\injectdata\Grimm\Playthrough\Playthrough.bl3hotfix
G:\Games\BL3 modding\bl3hotfixmodding\injectdata\Apocalyptech\loot_changes\no_wasted_equipment\no_wasted_equipment.bl3hotfix
G:\Games\BL3 modding\bl3hotfixmodding\injectdata\Apocalyptech\qol\photo_mode_unlock\photo_mode_unlock.bl3hotfix
G:\Games\BL3 modding\bl3hotfixmodding\injectdata\Apocalyptech\gear_changes\fix_siren_com_blank_parts\fix_siren_com_blank_parts.bl3hotfix
G:\Games\BL3 modding\bl3hotfixmodding\injectdata\Apocalyptech\gear_changes\silent_sellout\silent_sellout.bl3hotfix
G:\Games\BL3 modding\bl3hotfixmodding\injectdata\SSpyR\bugfix\green_monster_clickclick_fix.bl3hotfix
G:\Games\BL3 modding\bl3hotfixmodding\injectdata\Apocalyptech\gear_changes\red_text_explainer\red_text_explainer.bl3hotfix
G:\Games\BL3 modding\bl3hotfixmodding\injectdata\Grimm\Gear\WeaponScale.bl3hotfix
G:\Games\BL3 modding\bl3hotfixmodding\injectdata\Apocalyptech\qol\more_visible_echo_logs\more_visible_echo_logs.bl3hotfix
[DISABLED] G:\Games\BL3 modding\bl3hotfixmodding\injectdata\Apocalyptech\gear_changes\all_weapons_can_anoint\all_weapons_can_anoint.bl3hotfix

I know that hotfixes are not applied because red_text_explainer hotfix doesn't work.

I tried to go to the title screen and watched network connections - I saw, that the process B3HM establishes connection to some servers. As I understand, it is trying to spoof some account data. Correct me if I'm wrong. Enabling verbose logging didn't give any more info.

So, my question is: what can I do to get hotfixes applied? What I'm doing wrong?

Also I think that it's a good idea to write to the logs the info about process when the program tries to load hotfixes and apply them. And, more important, write about errors.

c0dycode commented 3 years ago

If everything's injected fine, then it should work. If hotfixes are not requested in pirated copies at all, then there's your reason why.

If they are and it doesn't work, then I honestly don't know why.

Either way, since it's not a legitimate copy of the game, I can not actively provide support for that.

yurii-sio2 commented 3 years ago

So, should I create an account in any way or what? Is account required?

c0dycode commented 3 years ago

I don't know how the internals of the game work and what it exactly requires for the game to request hotfixes. So you'd just have to try.

yurii-sio2 commented 3 years ago

Okay, thanks, I'll try something else. So, if B3HM doesn't spoof an account data, why does it connect to some ips and load some data? Data transer appears only when you've just run the game or when you go to the Title screen.

c0dycode commented 3 years ago

Because it's set up to MITM everything related to gearboxsoftware.com. It just alters the response coming in from gearbox related to hotfixes, news and in-game item mails. Everything else coming from gbx is not touched at all and none of the modifications are sent to gearbox. Eve their telemetry-system should be disabled to not send any false/modified data to them.

Hotfixes and News are "requested" by the game whenever you go from the title screen (Press any key) into the main menu. Item mails are requested whenever the in-game mail is being opened (should be F4 by default).

And that's it. Technically everything the game connects to passes through the proxy. Though, as mentioned before, only connections related to gearboxsoftware.com are set to be MITM'd. Everything else is being forwarded to the destination without touching them at all.