c0dysharma / chip8-interpreter

Yet another Chip 8 emulator built in C with SDL2 library works on Windows|Linux|Mac
7 stars 2 forks source link

Add assembly for ROMs #6

Open amyipdev opened 2 years ago

amyipdev commented 2 years ago

Having the source assembly for these ROMs would be great. I know there isn't really a standard for CHIP8 assembly, so perhaps whatever works through libxas? I'm working on a BRIX translation to assembly (will need to make some additions to libxas for it, since a lot of the necessary macros are WIP) and would love to contribute it back.

amyipdev commented 2 years ago

Just pushed some commits to libxas which makes this assemblable. Here's the (GPLv2) assembly for BRIX:

    mov $0x5,%ve
    mov $0x0,%v5
    mov $0x6,%vb
    mov $0x0,%va
    ref 0x30c
    draw $0x1,%va,%vb
    add $0x4,%va
    je $0x40,%va
// 0x10=0x210
    jmp 0x208
    add $0x2,%vb
    je $0x12,%vb
    jmp 0x206
    mov $0x20,%vc
    mov $0x1f,%vd
    ref 0x310
    draw $0x1,%vc,%vd
// 0x20=0x220
    call 0x2f6
    mov $0x0,%v0
    mov $0x0,%v1
    ref 0x312
    draw $0x1,%v0,%v1
    add $0x8,%v0
    ref 0x30e
    draw $0x1,%v0,%v1
// 0x30=0x230
    mov $0x40,%v0
    sdl %v0
    gdl %v0
    je $0x0,%v0
    jmp 0x234
    rnd $0xf,%v6
    mov $0x1e,%v7
    mov $0x1,%v8
// 0x40=0x240
    mov $0xff,%v9
    ref 0x30e
    draw $0x1,%v6,%v7
    ref 0x310
    draw $0x1,%vc,%vd
    mov $0x4,%v0
    kyn %v0
    add $0xfe,%vc
// 0x50=0x250
    mov $0x6,%v0
    kyn %v0
    add $0x2,%vc
    mov $0x3f,%v0
    and %v0,%vc
    draw $0x1,%vc,%vd
    ref 0x30e
    draw $0x1,%v6,%v7
// 0x60=0x260
    add %v8,%v6
    add %v9,%v7
    mov $0x3f,%v0
    and %v0,%v6
    mov $0x1f,%v1
    and %v1,%v7
    jne $0x1f,%v7
    jmp 0x2ac
// 0x70=0x270
    jne $0x0,%v6
    mov $0x1,%v8
    jne $0x3f,%v6
    mov $0xff,%v8
    jne $0x0,%v7
    mov $0x1,%v9
    draw $0x1,%v6,%v7
    je $0x1,%vf
    jmp 0x2aa
    jne $0x1f,%v7
    jmp 0x2aa
    mov $0x5,%v0
    sub %v7,%v0
    je $0x0,%vf
    jmp 0x2aa
    mov $0x1,%v0
    sds %v0
    mov %v6,%v0
    mov $0xfc,%v1
    and %v1,%v0
    ref 0x30c
    draw $0x1,%v0,%v7
    mov $0xfe,%v0
    xor %v0,%v9
    call 0x2f6
    add $0x1,%v5
    call 0x2f6
    jne $0x60,%v5
    jmp 0x2de
    jmp 0x246
    mov $0xff,%v9
    mov %v6,%v0
    sub %vc,%v0
    je $0x1,%vf
    jmp 0x2ca
    mov $0x2,%v1
    sub %v1,%v0
    je $0x1,%vf
    jmp 0x2e0
    sub %v1,%v0
    je $0x1,%vf
    jmp 0x2ee
    sub %v1,%v0
    je $0x1,%vf
    jmp 0x2e8
    mov $0x20,%v0
    sds %v0
    ref 0x30e
    add $0xff,%ve
    mov %ve,%v0
    add %v0,%v0
    mov $0x0,%v1
    draw $0x1,%v0,%v1
    je $0x0,%ve
    jmp 0x230
    jmp 0x2de
    add $0xff,%v8
    jne $0xfe,%v8
    mov $0xff,%v8
    jmp 0x2ee
    add $0x1,%v8
    jne $0x2,%v8
    mov $0x1,%v8
    mov $0x4,%v0
    sds %v0
    mov $0xff,%v9
    jmp 0x270
    ref 0x314
    bcd %v5
    lod %v2
    lds %v1
    mov $0x37,%v3
    mov $0x0,%v4
    draw $0x5,%v3,%v4
    add $0x5,%v3
    lds %v2
    draw $0x5,%v3,%v4
.byte 0xe0
.byte 0x0
.byte 0x80
.byte 0x00
.byte 0xfc
.byte 0x0
.byte 0xaa
.byte 0x0
.byte 0x0
.byte 0x0
.byte 0x0
.byte 0x0

I can if desired clean it up a bit - put in labels for jumps/calls/refs, use larger constant insertion sizes, etc. Here's a MRE for how to assemble it (given that you supply a Cargo.toml for it that loads libxas):

extern crate libxas;

fn main() {
    let src = include_str!("../../BRIX.xas").to_string();
    let platform: libxas::platform::Platform = libxas::platform::Platform::from_platform_double("c8-bin");
    std::fs::write("BRIX.o", libxas::eaf::assemble_full_source(&src, &platform));