The way the following is written is unclear to me:
To use the_silver_searcher or similar applications when generating tags you can do something like this.
let g:neotags_appendpath = 0
let g:neotags_recursive = 0
" Use this option for the_silver_searcher
let g:neotags_ctags_bin = 'ag -g "" '. getcwd() .' | ctags'
" Or this one for ripgrep. Not both.
let g:neotags_ctags_bin = 'rg --files '. getcwd() .' | ctags'
let g:neotags_ctags_args = [
\ '-L -',
\ '--fields=+l',
\ '--c-kinds=+p',
\ '--c++-kinds=+p',
\ '--sort=no',
\ '--extras=+q'
\ ]
Is the ctags_args setting applicable to both the ag and the ripgrep setup?
The way the following is written is unclear to me:
Is the ctags_args setting applicable to both the ag and the ripgrep setup?