c0z3n / pySimpleDMX

pysimpledmx is a simple dmx control module in python, for the Enttec DMX USB Pro
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render performance #1

Closed davydka closed 10 years ago

davydka commented 10 years ago

Hi, I've been using your script for a while, but recently started using this other snippet. I've received much better performance, so I thought I'd share. I'm not a complete python expert, but somehow this one has less bottleneck issues.


Both of these methods work well on the raspberry pi.

c0z3n commented 10 years ago

Hi davydka, thanks for the feedback!

There are some known bottlenecking issues with my little library, most of which stem from my inclusion of the "autorender" flag. In your usage, we you using autorender?

Unfortunately, I don't currently have access to an enttec USB-DMX box, but I'll look more into this in the coming weeks.