c172p-team / c172p

A high detailed version of the Cessna 172P aircraft for FlightGear
GNU General Public License v2.0
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Suggestion/Proposal: New splash screen(s) #479

Closed dg-505 closed 9 years ago

dg-505 commented 9 years ago

Hi guys :smirk:

here I've collected some of my screenshots of the C172P

If you think that ten splash screens are still not enough :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: , it would be a pleasure, if you could add the one or other of these pics to the splash screen collection.

cessna 172p in swiss alps 2 cessna 172p in swiss alps 1 cessna 172p floats cessna 172p in swiss alps 3 cessna 172p - cool sky

And following Gilberto's request, they are 100 percent original...

onox commented 9 years ago

The paint looks heavily damaged :worried: Which video card and driver are you using?

I know everyone wants to see their screenshots added, but I think we should limit the number of splash screens a bit. Otherwise we have 50 splash screens next year :smile:

dg-505 commented 9 years ago

Otherwise we have 50 splash screens next year

Hehe, this could be :wink:

What do you mean with damaged? I've got an ATI Mobility Radeon HD5470 with 1GB VRAM in my Laptop. And my Hardware Manager says the drivers were up to date. Nevertheless there are several issues with it like FlightGear crashes when setting the water shader to max, or the system crashes when combining ALS and Random trees. Well, I think it's high time for a new computer...

gilbertohasnofb commented 9 years ago

@dg-505 I think you are using texture compression (using fgrun, on the last page click on Advanced..., then Rendering then untick the option Texture Compression). It improves performance but makes textures look ugly, particularly from oblique angles (like when looking the fuselage from the back of the plane).

dg-505 commented 9 years ago

Oh, I didn't know that. Thanks for the tip.

onox commented 9 years ago

I meant to say that it looked like your livery wasn't painted in over 20 years, but they are artifacts as @gilbertohasnofb said :smile:

I'll close this issue as won't fix to indicate we have enough splash screens for now.

Anyway, we do have a lot of new features to be implemented and bugs to be fixed. So choose an issue if you like :smiley: