c2corg / v6_api

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Create a tool for sending avalanche reports emails #697

Open asaunier opened 6 years ago

asaunier commented 6 years ago

Sympa, the mailing list system we used to send avalanche reports by email can no longer be used.

We need an alternate tool that we coud plug between:

asaunier commented 6 years ago

How it was done in v5:

What has changed:

What we have to do:

Example of third-party script (with DB access) in v6_api: https://github.com/c2corg/v6_api/blob/merge-users/c2corg_api/scripts/users/merge.py

Example of email sending in v6_api (registration and password change emails):

asaunier commented 6 years ago

Sending emails in v6

The v6_api app has a built-in email service, defined at https://github.com/c2corg/v6_api/blob/master/c2corg_api/emails/email_service.py

The email service settings (including third-party email service host and API key etc.) are located in https://github.com/c2corg/v6_api/blob/master/common.ini.in#L79-L92 The actual settings values are set by default in https://github.com/c2corg/v6_api/blob/master/config/default#L66-L79 and overridden in demo and prod in the docker-compose.yml files (eg. the SparkPost data).

Sending emails is then quite easy, eg.:

from c2corg_api.emails.email_service import get_email_service
# ...
email_service = get_email_service(self.request)
# ...
email_service.send_change_email_confirmation(user, link)

See https://github.com/c2corg/v6_api/blob/master/c2corg_api/views/user_account.py#L111 for the actual code. It would probably be required to create a new method in the EmailService class like https://github.com/c2corg/v6_api/blob/master/c2corg_api/emails/email_service.py#L86

I need to find out if one should call the email service method for every email address registered to the avalanche forecast reports or if it is possible to send group/batch emails. (edit: see just below for an answer)

v6_api's EmailService is based upon pyramid_mailer: https://docs.pylonsproject.org/projects/pyramid_mailer/en/latest/ => it is possible to pass a list of emails as the recipients property of the Message object. See https://docs.pylonsproject.org/projects/pyramid_mailer/en/latest/#pyramid_mailer.message.Message

Note that:

asaunier commented 6 years ago

Concerning SparkPost, the python client https://github.com/SparkPost/python-sparkpost offers interesting features. For instance:

For the last feature, please note we can already send emails to a list of email addresses using our existing pyramid_mailer tool: https://docs.pylonsproject.org/projects/pyramid_mailer/en/latest/#pyramid_mailer.message.Message

asaunier commented 6 years ago

According to the info above it looks possible to create a python script in the API (a bit like https://github.com/c2corg/v6_api/blob/merge-users/c2corg_api/scripts/users/merge.py) that would:

@lbesson What do you think? You could explain how the report importing script is triggered (cron?) and how it figures out when a new report has been published? Does it store reports locally every time it connects to the source website and then compare them to detect new reports?

asaunier commented 6 years ago

Number of subscribers per list:

c2corg=# select count(user_subscriber), list_subscriber from sympa.subscriber_table group by list_subscriber;
 count |   list_subscriber   
   131 | meteofrance-66
   161 | meteofrance-64
   612 | meteofrance-05
  1027 | meteofrance-74
   164 | valanghe
    83 | lawinen
    42 | meteofrance-2b
   896 | meteofrance-38
   166 | meteofrance-06
   134 | meteofrance-31
    34 | meteofrance-2a
   258 | meteofrance-65
    28 | avalanche.en
    75 | aran
   102 | meteofrance-andorre
   176 | meteofrance-04
    61 | catalunya
   166 | meteofrance-09
   853 | meteofrance-73
   708 | avalanche
(20 rows)
AntoineMarnat commented 1 year ago

With Yeti, is this issue still relevant ? Or should it be closed ?