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Possibility of function for converting Simulation3HourlyAODOutput type to dataframe #27

Closed vasanchez16 closed 1 year ago

vasanchez16 commented 1 year ago

I was looking to see if their is a function to convert a Simulation3HourlyAODOutput type to a pandas dataframe, similar to the c3.Dataset.toPandas() function for the c3.Dataset type.

I am working in this notebook: https://devsmokeapprc1-smokeapp.devrc01.c3aids.cloud/jupyter/notebooks/sandbox/trying%20batch.ipynb#


vasanchez16 commented 1 year ago

@babreu-ncsa forgot to tag you

babreu-ncsa commented 1 year ago

Hi @vasanchez16, if you are fetching that type with x = c3.Simulation3HourlyAODOutput.fetch(), then x is a FetchResult object, from which you can get a pandas dataframe with df = x.toPandas()