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Predictions Job #32

Closed vasanchez16 closed 4 months ago

vasanchez16 commented 1 year ago

Hey @babreu-ncsa ,

I was having some trouble with getting an output using c3.PredictAODGPR.getPredictionsDataframeFromJob(predictJob), I attached a screen shot below for context. But essentially, I believe I'm getting no results back from the Predictions job using c3.PredictAODGPR.makePredictionsJob(). I believe I properly ran and upserted the SmokePPEGaussianMLTrainingJob so that the prediction job can see the created models. I am currently looking through James's notebooks to see if I am missing a step but if you could also take a look at it that would be great. Here is the notebook: https://devsmokeapprc1-smokeapp.devrc01.c3aids.cloud/jupyter/notebooks/sandbox/Batch%20Trials/Batch%20Trial%202.ipynb

Thanks Bruno

vasanchez16 commented 1 year ago

Hi @babreu-ncsa ,

Just finished running the command in the screenshot below. It appears that it's not seeing any pipes in that filter region as it's returning an empty array.

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