c3d / xl

A minimalist, general-purpose programming language based on meta-programming and parse tree rewrites
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Basic Examples Compiler Explanation #51

Open tripleo1 opened 2 years ago

tripleo1 commented 2 years ago

Maybe if you have time you could explain how the compiler works (or is supposed to work), specifically for the two basic examples of factorial (or fibonacci) and hello world in bxl (which, if I understand correctly is abandoned because of typing issues) and your newer fast branch?

c3d commented 2 years ago

I'm not sure how much detail you want.

Back to the bytecode one, if you run ./xl -O1 -B f.xl with f.xl containing:

fib 0 is 1
fib 1 is 1
fib N is (fib(N-1) + fib(N-2))

fib 6

then you should get the following bytecode output, slightly commented with //:

// Compiles whole declaration scopes, here `builtins.xl`, as a `get_scope` that returns the scope
Compiled [X:natural + Y:natural as natur…as tree is native "xl_listen"] as
  L0    = [X:natural + Y:natural as natur…as tree is native "xl_listen"]
Opcodes (1 locals, 0 parameters, 1 temporaries)
     0: get_scope           L0
     2: ret                 L0

// Compilation of several basic types in order to evaluate them during type check
Compiled [natural] is [natural] as
Constants:   // The bytecode contains a table of constants
  C0    = natural
Types:    // This is the type information gathered during compilation
  natural   as  name
  natural   as  nil  // This means "no type found" (a bug, I'm working on it)
Opcodes (0 locals, 0 parameters)
// A type is evaluated as a constant tree value with the type name (ensures unicity)
     0: ret                 C0

Compiled [integer] is [integer] as
  C0    = integer
  integer   as  name
  integer   as  nil
Opcodes (0 locals, 0 parameters)
     0: ret                 C0

Compiled [real] is [real] as
  C0    = real
  real  as  name
  real  as  nil
Opcodes (0 locals, 0 parameters)
     0: ret                 C0

// Actual compilation of the `fib N` body
Compiled [fib N] is [(fib (N - 1) + fib (N - 2))] as
Constants: // Constant table like above
  C0    = 1
  C1    = 0
  C2    = fib N
  C3    = 2
  C4    = fib (N - 1) + fib (N - 2)
  A0    = N
  A0    = [N][N][N]     // A0 is argument 0, here mapped to three different tree representations of N
  L1    = [N - 1]  // L1 is local 1, here mapped to computed value for N-1
  L2    = [fib (N - 1)]  // L2 is local 2, mapped to computed value for fib(N-1)
  L3    = [N - 2]
  L4    = [fib (N - 2)]
  N as  natural // Types as deduced
  fib (N - 2)   as  real // This is bogus (work in progress), should have retained natural
  fib (N - 1)   as  real
  fib (N - 1) + fib (N - 2) as  real
Opcodes (5 locals, 1 parameters, 4 temporaries)
     0: sub_natural         A0, C0, L1    // Here, we subtract C0=1 from N and result in L1 = N-1
     4: check_natural       L1, C1, +5=13 // We check if N-1 is C1=0, if not jump to 13
     8: copy                C0, L2 // For N-1=0, we copy constant C0=1 into L2 (fib N-1)
    11: branch              +14=27
    13: check_natural       L1, C0, +5=22 // We check if N-1 is C0=1, if not jump to 22
    17: copy                C0, L2 // For N-1=1, we copy C0=1 into L2 (fib N-1)
    20: branch              +5=27
    22: call                C2, (1 arguments) // Remaining case (not 0 or 1): recursive call of C2 = fib N
       0: L1 // Pass argument L1 = N-1
       => L2 // Result in L2
    27: natural_typecheck   L2, +36=66 // Check that the result is a natural
    30: sub_natural         A0, C3, L3
    34: check_natural       L3, C1, +5=43
    38: copy                C0, L4
    41: branch              +14=57
    43: check_natural       L3, C0, +5=52
    47: copy                C0, L4
    50: branch              +5=57
    52: call                C2, (1 arguments)
       0: L3
       => L4
    57: natural_typecheck   L4, +6=66
    60: add_natural         L2, L4, L5
    64: branch              +26=92
    66: integer_typecheck   L2, +9=78
    69: integer_typecheck   L4, +6=78
    72: add_integer         L2, L4, L5
    76: branch              +14=92
    78: real_typecheck      L2, +9=90
    81: real_typecheck      L4, +6=90
    84: add_real            L2, L4, L5
    88: branch              +2=92
    90: form_error          C4
    92: ret                 L5

Compiled [fib 0 is 1|fib 1 is 1|fib N is… (N - 1) + fib (N - 2))|fib 6] as
  C0    = 6
  C1    = fib N
  L0    = [fib 6][fib 0 is 1|fib 1 is 1|fib N is… (N - 1) + fib (N - 2))|fib 6]
  6 as  natural
Opcodes (1 locals, 0 parameters, 1 temporaries)
     0: call                C1, (1 arguments)
       0: C0
       => L0
     5: ret                 L0

followed by the computation result:


Hope this helps getting started.