c3js / c3

:bar_chart: A D3-based reusable chart library
MIT License
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Setting data.names with object's properties #2852

Open gustainMars opened 2 years ago

gustainMars commented 2 years ago

Just apologies if my english grammar is poor, or doesn't make much sense, i'm not fluent... Yet! ^^'. Well, I am new to c3, but I have a bar graph and I need to set on c3.generate the name for data.id, that I defined it using data.keys.x, but I don't want to show it. I want to use description as showed below. But I receive a List of objects from my API and I don't know the id of each query result that the user will filter. I would like an option on the c3.generate, like data.names but accepting objects instead and looping it foreach item of my list. Does c3 already have that funcionality? Because I didn't find anyone with a similar problem, or wanted something like this... There it is an example of what I've done so far, and in the data.names what I would like that c3 do for me:

var chart = c3.generate({
  data: {
      json: [
          {id: 'data1', description: 'foo', value1: 350, value2: -200, value3: 150},
          {id: 'data2', description: 'boo', value1: 450, value2: 100, value3: 550},
          {id: 'data3', description: 'bar', value1: 450, value2: -200, value3: 250},
      type: 'bar',
      keys: {
          x: 'id',
          value: ['value1', 'value2', 'value3'],
      names: {
          //something like that or maybe a function that returns the data of those properties of each index of the list
         id: description
  axis: {
      x: {
          type: 'category',
          categories: ['Value 1', 'Value 2', 'Value 3']