c3sr / pangolin

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pangolin::pangolin brings -arch=compute_35 to all targets #22

Open cwpearson opened 5 years ago

cwpearson commented 5 years ago

It should probably be configurable 1) if pangolin even sets these cuda variables 2) what it sets them to if it does set them

cwpearson commented 5 years ago

1) does it work to just define -arch twice, so users can just modify the flags after including pangolin? 2) should we provide pangolin options / variables the users can configure before including pangolin? 3) should we include different pangolin targets with different sm_ levels?

cwpearson commented 5 years ago

The current code that does this is here https://github.com/c3sr/pangolin/blob/ffa2f539b610cddec31a198a49203f3ea9b3d555/CMakeLists.txt#L126-L134