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Spelling check and tab-completion for fixes with aspell #109

Open mweinelt opened 8 years ago

mweinelt commented 8 years ago

WIth aspell a visually represented spelling check could be realized. Also aspell makes recommendations what you could've meant instead, which could be exposed through a mechanism like tab-completion or a menu navigatable through the keyboard arrows.

Example output for aspell:

% echo "haus baum masu" | aspell -a
@(#) International Ispell Version 3.1.20 (but really Aspell
& haus 22 0: Haus, hause, haust, Hais, aus, hau, Baus, Hals, Hans, Hass, Haut, Heus, Laus, Maus, haue, haut, raus, Haufen, hassen, lausen, pausen, sausen
& baum 16 5: Baum, Baums, Bau, Baud, Baus, Daum, Raum, Saum, Zaum, baue, baut, kaum, Bauten, baumeln, Daumen, Gaumen
& masu 98 10: Maus, Mast, Malus, Mais, Mus, Sau, aus, Maas, Maos, Mars, Maul, Maut, MAD, Mai, NSU, Au, Baus, Haus, Laus, au, mA, ms, raus, Kasus, Maske, Masse, magst, malst, Maar, Made, Mali, Mary, NASA, Nase, nass, Aas, Alu, Ass, Ast, Bau, CSU, GAU, Gas, Mac, Mal, Mao, Max, Maß, SAS, Tau, hau, kau, las, lau, mag, mal, man, maß, rau, was, Maya, BASF, Base, Bass, Bast, Fass, Gase, Gast, Hase, Hass, Jesu, Kanu, Last, Magd, Mahl, Mail, Main, Malo, Malz, Mama, Mann, Manz, Marc, Mark, Marx, Maße, Mist, Most, Muse, Oase, Pass, Rast, Tabu, Task, Vase, dass, dazu, fast
mweinelt commented 8 years ago

Check out http://jquery-spellchecker.badsyntax.co/textarea.html

Ryuno-Ki commented 8 years ago

jquery-spellchecker points to a PHP script.

Looking at the npm packages, https://www.npmjs.com/package/aspell is the best bet (I skimmed through the code!).