Encourage improving other aspects of the course as well
Lecture slides have bugs? Did you find something confusing? PR!
Typos / errors in the homepage/syllabus/summaries that are posted? PR!
Read over solutions, something look wrong, or could something use more explanation? PR!
A lot of lecture material is interactive, worked through examples. It'd be neat if complete, commented terminal sessions (ish) could be linked from the slides for review.
UMich-centric Guides
I think there's a lot of room to explore here. Maybe the right thing is to set up a few templates, I'm imagining things like:
Making the most of your CAEN environment / Making CAEN your own
A suite of, "So you just started EECS XXX"
Things to install now
Things to revisit later in the semester
A guide to the GitHub starter pack (what is all this stuff, what's it good for?)
A guide to UMich electronic resources (M+Box? GitLab?)
I'm envisioning something akin to a "getting started in umich CS wiki" with these things. The problem a lot of wikis fall into is that the information is out of date and there's no incentive for people to keep them up to date. We're in a somewhat unique situation with an army of people every semester to keep text fresh
Git II advanced homework (contribute to open source proj) was a flop this semester
(Context: This is from a google doc, written during the semester, which I no longer have access to)