c4ev3 / ev3duder

The LEGO® EV3 Downloader/UploaDER.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Need new version which can upload the files to brick internal storage #14

Open peehrlich2 opened 4 years ago

peehrlich2 commented 4 years ago

I use the installer-package from: https://c4ev3.github.io/ But the upload only works to flash card - not directly to the brick. Is it fixed yet? Can you please provide a simple download of the new EV3 Duder - just for Non-Developers ;-)

JakubVanek commented 4 years ago

@peehrlich2 I think I have faced the issue as well. ev3duder works as expected though - uploading manually to internal storage works OK. The problem is that the Eclipse plugin is by default only willing to upload to the SD card. To enable non-SD uploads, it is necessary to download the "lms2012 assembler". This will process the start.lms EV3 VM bytecode script to create a custom RBF launcher for your app. As a side effect, the plugin is then able to determine from start.lms where else to upload the C4EV3 binary.

I haven't found a separate download anywhere, so I have created a zip from the EV3 1.09 firmware developer kit: assembler.zip. You will need to extract this to the place where ev3duder.exe is. For me it is C:/ev3/uploader/.

I would also recommend using the following parameters in start.lms:

// Most common paths: ${card}, ${brick} and ${usb}
define starter '/home/root/lms2012/prjs/${projectName}/Run.rbf'
define elfexec '/home/root/lms2012/prjs/${projectName}/executable.elf'

// stolen from http://www.robotnav.com/run-programs-without-network/
vmthread MAIN
    DATA32 Timer
    DATA32 Status
    SYSTEM(elfexec, Status)
// Shorthand info:
// ${projectName}   = Current name of the project
// ${card}          = /media/card
// ${usb}           = /media/usb
// ${brick}         = /home/root/lms2012/prjs/BrkProg_SAVE

By using these starter and elfexec paths, a separate folder will be created for your program and you will be able to delete it from the brick easily by just deleting the containing folder. The default BrkProg_SAVE path is quite unfortunate as it is not possible to delete programs there without using ev3duder or the EV3 software.