c4urself / bump2version

Version-bump your software with a single command
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Using bump2version and pre-commit hooks #124

Open tucosaurus opened 4 years ago

tucosaurus commented 4 years ago


I have been using bump2version for a while. Thank you for maintaining it. Most recently, I added pre-commit hooks to my workflow. Now, my bumpversion commands are always failing since I think it interferes with the pre-commit hooks.

I am using bumpversion's --no-commit flag for now and then commit manually. Is there a way to make them both work together ?

Here's my bumpversion config:

current_version = 1.0.0
commit = True
tag = True

And here's my pre commit hook config:

- repo: git://github.com/pre-commit/pre-commit-hooks
  rev: v1.4.0
    - id: end-of-file-fixer
    - id: trailing-whitespace
    - id: check-case-conflict
    - id: check-merge-conflict
    - id: check-yaml
      args: ['--unsafe']
    - id: detect-private-key
    - id: forbid-new-submodules
    - id: check-json
    - id: pretty-format-json
    - id: check-added-large-files
    - id: flake8

- repo: git://github.com/CuriousLearner/pre-commit-python-sorter
  sha: 5294cde9d51cff119af537e987c30c320e9fbe2f
    - id: python-import-sorter
      args: ['--silent-overwrite']

- repo: https://github.com/psf/black
  rev: stable
    - id: black

Let me know if you need more information from me.

florisla commented 4 years ago

Well it would be informative if you could share the error message of the failure :-)

But I see you're using end-of-file-fixer which is known to cause problems. Please see issue #58 for a workaround.

bo5o commented 4 years ago

Maybe some more info since I also have problems with pre-commit hooks and bumpversion.

More specifically my problem is connected to the fix-trailing-whitespace hook. I configure bumpversion in setup.cfg in a python project. This means there are other sections, sometimes containing lines like these:

exclude =

Bumpversion seems to add whitespace after exclude = which the fix-trailing-whitespace doesn't like. This causes an error since the pre-commit hooks obviously fail (bumpversion adds whitespace, hooks remove whitespace)

Maybe the original author has similar problems.

Edit: The version I am using is bumpversion: v1.0.0 (using Python v3.6.9)

browniebroke commented 4 years ago

I can confirm I have the same issue as @cbows described above with the trailing whitespace pre-commit hook.

I've disabled this hook for now, but it would be nice if bump2version could leave the other lines untouched.

rclough commented 4 years ago

I am also having the same issue with bump2version, and the fix-trailing-whitespace precommit hook failing on setup.cfg

Zeitsperre commented 4 years ago

I can also chime in that the fix-trailing-whitespace hook is what causes errors when versioning my projects with bumpversion. Your workaround to manually commit when bumping versions is also how I've dealt with it.

yakky commented 3 years ago

Apparently this is caused by python ConfigParser always appending a whitespace after the = even on multiline values. AFAIK there is no way to prevent this in the ConfigParser

One dirty solution is to strip the extra whitespace before writing the file:

diff --git a/bumpversion/cli.py b/bumpversion/cli.py
index b107e10..378389d 100644
--- a/bumpversion/cli.py
+++ b/bumpversion/cli.py
@@ -646,11 +646,12 @@ def _update_config_file(

-        logger.info(new_config.getvalue())
+        config_text = new_config.getvalue().replace("= %s" % config_newlines, "=%s" % config_newlines)
+        logger.info(config_text)

         if write_to_config_file:
             with open(config_file, "wt", encoding="utf-8", newline=config_newlines) as f:
-                f.write(new_config.getvalue().strip() + "\n")
+                f.write(config_text.strip() + config_newlines)

     except UnicodeEncodeError:

It this is acceptable I can open a PR including the fix and the test changes

balrok commented 3 years ago

I also have a solution for this issue here: https://github.com/c4urself/bump2version/pull/163 Its using bump2version itself to bump the cfg, so it will only replace what is needed

yakky commented 3 years ago

@balrok If I understood correctly your approach, it looks absolutely sane

pzelnip commented 2 years ago

Another workaround is to exclude setup.cfg from the hook in your .pre-commit.config.yaml file:

-   repo: https://github.com/pre-commit/pre-commit-hooks
    rev: v4.0.1
      - id: trailing-whitespace
        exclude: setup.cfg

But yeah, this isn't ideal, and it would be nice if bumpversion didn't modify any lines it doesn't need to. Even without the hook, if I edit setup.cfg manually my editor is currently configured to trim trailing whitespace, so that means the diff on a commit where I'm editing setup.cfg is a bit noisier because of the extra whitespace. What's worse is if I trim the whitespace manually, the next time bumpversion processes the file it'll put the spaces back which adds diff noise to the bumpversion commit.