c6fc / npk

A mostly-serverless distributed hash cracking platform
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Dictionary + rules produces different results than dictionary alone. #65

Closed ECGBQ closed 2 years ago

ECGBQ commented 2 years ago

I have a file of 97 hashes that I uploaded and a file of 41 passwords that are all legit, and they all crack, but adding a rule set file to it only cracked 1 out of 97.

c6fc commented 2 years ago

Can you provide screenshots of the campaign configurations for both?

ECGBQ commented 2 years ago



This will one crack 1 out of 97 with this config


c6fc commented 2 years ago

I mean from the 'Manage Campaigns' view, so that I can see the actual settings that were used.

c6fc commented 2 years ago

Also - if you run it locally with the same dictionary and rule file, does it behave the same way? If the rules file doesn't include an entry for the raw dictionary entry, it won't try the raw dictionary entry.

c6fc commented 2 years ago

Does your megaUniq rule file have a 'nothing' or 'passthrough' entry?


ECGBQ commented 2 years ago



ECGBQ commented 2 years ago

^: ^: ^< ^: ^= ^: ^> ^: ^_ ^: ^- ^: ^: ^: ^! ^+ $% ^+ $+ ^+ $+ ^+$+ ^+ : : [ [^= [^- [^, [^;

c6fc commented 2 years ago
  1. Does the same thing happen when running locally with and without the rule file?
  2. Does the cracked_hashes for the second campaign actually only contain a single entry?
c6fc commented 2 years ago

Also, you should consider joining the discord channel. We can troubleshoot more quickly there.

ECGBQ commented 2 years ago

When running locally it works. I will try to get on the discord channel now.

ECGBQ commented 2 years ago

Ah, my company is blocking me from going there. I will jump on when I get home. How late will you be around today?

c6fc commented 2 years ago

What version of hashcat are you running locally, and what commands are you using?

You can look at the instance logs under 'file management' to see what parameters are being used with Hashcat, to make sure you're running it the same.

ECGBQ commented 2 years ago

Hashcat -m 1000 /path/to/ntds /path /to/wordlist -r /path/to/rulesfile

What version of hashcat are you running locally, and what commands are you using?

You can look at the instance logs under 'file management' to see what parameters are being used with Hashcat, to make sure you're running it the same.

c6fc commented 2 years ago

Use the parameters and arguments from the instance logs. If it behaves the same, it's an issue with Hashcat, not with NPK

c6fc commented 2 years ago

I just tested it myself - ran two NTLM campaigns with RockYou, with and without OneRuleToRuleThemAll ruleset, and got 3/4 hashes cracked on both.

Can you pull the instance log for the campaign with the rule list and DM it to me?

ECGBQ commented 2 years ago

I emailed it to you

c6fc commented 2 years ago

I see no issues with the output log. Can you send me the hashlist and point me at the dictionary you're using so I can test it myself?

ECGBQ commented 2 years ago


ECGBQ commented 2 years ago

I can only get it to work by uploading all the passwords I cracked with my coworker's on-prem cracker as the wordlist. If I use that wordlist with any of the rules, it doesn't work.

c6fc commented 2 years ago

I just used this hashlist with RockYou and OneRuleToRuleThemAll and cracked 25 of the 97 unique hashes. It seems to be working fine.

c6fc commented 2 years ago


Without rules on the top, with rules on the bottom. The results are exactly what I'd expect.

ECGBQ commented 2 years ago

Ok, I got the same results. When using those together. I'll mess around with it more. Thanks for all your help.

ECGBQ commented 2 years ago

If you run a rule set with a dictionary list it will still run through that word list right before applying any rules correct?

c6fc commented 2 years ago

Ok, sounds like it's an issue with your rule list, then. I'll close this out for now. Feel free to reopen if you discover that this isn't the case.

As for your question about rules, Hashcat won't attempt the raw dictionary candidate before applying rules. The rule list needs to have a passthrough rule if you want the unmodified candidate to be checked. NPK used to add one to avoid this confusion, but I removed that functionality quite a while ago to keep the behavior the same as Hashcat.

I hope this helps.