Open honglyua opened 8 years ago
use -w /path/to/workspace
flag when launching the server
@nightwing yes, i can use node server.js -l -a : -w /path/to/workspace
to start c9 with multiply projects in /path/to/workspace, so how to set each project has one web-url like to ask?
I run multiple instances on different ports. Awkward, but it works.
@Pike yes, me too. but how to change the url like not just http://my-domain:port/ide.html
i believe you can do this via proxy, ||
use monit or something to keep the cloud9 alive, just incase server side crashes
For urls, I'm using nginx reverse proxy. Works fine. Here's my nginx file:
Buuuuut, you also need to patch c9 server, there's an redirect on it, which makes the location go to main path of your domain. It redirects from: /workspace1/ to /ide.html ..
To patch, edit this line:
Just replace the "/ide.html" with "ide.html" (remove the / )
Now, to create multiple workspaces, you could easy develop something to do it. Use something to edit nginx rules, so you can add the rules I mentioned, and start a new c9 instance ..
@Stiveknx wow that's so cool, thx
@bmatusiak thx,i wll have a try
I created a little web app for this. You can access it here: orditeck/c9ui on github
Thanks, yes I really miss this dashboard feature when you host your own Cloud9 server. Thanks orditeck for sharing your code! Otherwise I was doing the same job twice.
@orditeck One questions, when you press this 'start' button, what will be the URL? I hope I can run all my workspaces one the same port..?
Tip: Rename Workflows --> "Workspaces". That is what is is called.
It turns out a single c9 server can be used for multiple workspaces after all. I guess it's not a new feature, just poorly documented so I only found out after poking a bit in the sources.
Passing a "w" query parameter lets you specify workspace directory. So for example the c9ui of @orditeck could set up a rewriterule from /projectA to /ide.html?w=/var/www/projectA or similar, without the need to stop/start separate c9 server process for each workspace.
In addition, you can pass a "token" query string parameter that will be used as a user id for the collab feature (if enabled with --collab or a "collab=1" query parameter) so you can even make more complicated rewrite rules that take into account some authentication - for example session cookie value. That's a bit hard and unflexible with just apache rewriterules, but it can still work if they are regenerated each time someone logs in and creates a new session id.
Just realized that this is pretty flaky, at least on browser restart. Seems that I'm getting mixed results from one workspace into the other.
Indeed both w= and token= modify options when loading ide.html from and are parts of incomplete feature added for development/testing. To work properly there needs to be a way to pass that info as vfs token and afterwards use it when creating vfs
If you're using docker (with compose) you can easily start an instance of Falkor or see it in action on
@sueastside Sorry, I can't make any projects on your demo site..
One handy trick I've found is with the c9 npm package, install it via npm install c9 -g
My instance of C9 starts in ~/workspace
which is a directory with all of my projects and quite big. I keep it collapsed most of the time, then when I want to open a project, in the terminal, I run:
c9 open ~/workspace/some_project
This adds the project directory for some_project
to my "Favorites" so it hoists to the top. and makes it really easy to work in that directory without having to open my entire ~/workspace
folder. Then when I'm done working on that project I just right-click and "Remove From Favorites".
It's not as visual as a UI for just opening projects but it saves me from running multiple instances and means I can work out of one instance which is nice if I'm moving files between projects.
@Stiveknx you around? YOur method doesn't work for me
@CyberiumShadow same for me .. perhaps the solution by @Stiveknx was for an older version? :confused:
Does anyone else know how to setup multiple instances of c9 behind an nginx reverse proxy?
With the below nginx.conf, the ide.html page will load, but none of the css/js assets load as they seem to be using absolute paths:
plugins/c9.ide.layout.classic/loading-flat.css 404 (Not Found)
static/mini_require.js 404 (Not Found)
configs/require_config.js 404 (Not Found)
location ~ /c9(/.*|$) {
proxy_redirect off;
proxy_http_version 1.1;
proxy_set_header Upgrade $http_upgrade;
proxy_set_header Connection "upgrade";
proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr;
proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;
proxy_set_header Host $http_host;
proxy_set_header X-NginX-Proxy true;
@RaviPatel Yeah I ran into that issue.
I just decided to use subdomains.
@sueastside I would like to setup Falkor project on my server. can you please tell me that how can I do that step by step.
editing standalone.js like @Stiveknx showed plus making a few changes on the nginx reverse proxy like below
location /subdir/ {
proxy_pass http://localip:port/;
proxy_redirect default;
add_header Strict-Transport-Security max-age=15768000;
proxy_http_version 1.1;
proxy_set_header Host $host;
proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr;
proxy_set_header Upgrade $http_upgrade;
proxy_set_header Connection upgrade;
proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $remote_addr;
sub_filter_types txt/html txt/css application/javascript;
sub_filter "/configs" "/subdir/configs";
sub_filter '"/static' '"/subdir/static'; #note the single and double quotes
sub_filter '"/vfs' '"/subdir/vfs';
sub_filter '"/_ping' '"/subdir/_ping';
sub_filter_once off;
had to include a double quote in the pattern so that it wouldn't try rewriting various other urls.
IMO this is a temporary workaround that currently works. Long term it might get broken by updates.
I also create a nodejs version of c9ui. Named cloud9 launcher. Everyone can try my version if you are not familiar with PHP environment. It's similar to @orditeck 's c9ui. But still a little simple. :)
Do you have an updated configuration or should your config still be workings?
I can get the main interface to load, but I get 403 from console to these resources:
VM3579:1 PUT 403 (Forbidden)
http-xhr.js:126 HTTP error 403: <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML
VM3579:1 GET
pathToNakignore=%2Fhome%2F[username]%2Fc9sdk%2F.c9%2F.nakignore&path=%2Fhome%2F[username]%2Fc9sdk%2F&limit=100000&access_token=token 403 (Forbidden)
navigate.js:440 Error: <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"
[username] is replaced
and anyone else facing this issue
to "/subdir/vfs",
in the
@Habilya If this is really is an issue, maybe create a PR for this?
Sorry, I'm not that experienced with the core software. all I did is a dirty Hack to make it work under Nginx reverse proxy with HTTPS To suppport this architecture
You can try
Ps. Consider also VS Code server instead of c9. Together with Taisun could be a golden combi!
I have just installed c9 on my linux, after run
node server.js -l -a :
, the web http://my-domain:8181/ide.htmlshows will
.How can i manage more than one workspaces C9, like did?
for example:i have two projects in,
how can i realize that support multiply workspaces ask?
maybe my english is poor... :smile: