c9 / install

Cloud9 SSH installer
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Timeout scripts? #109

Open chadbrewbaker opened 2 years ago

chadbrewbaker commented 2 years ago

With vscode now having a remote ssh option the IDE functionality of Cloud9 is largely deprecated since most will be using the vscode progressive web app or whatever AWS editor PWA eventually gets released. I really want to stay on AWS and not spin up Github Workers and Github Codespaces on Azure.

Any way you could make the Cloud9 timeout scripts public or reference the directory they are at so I can pop a Cloud9 instance and look? I would like to have a CloudFormation script that booted an EC2 Ubuntu 20.04 with the IDE timeout scripts. If they are too tightly coupled with Cloud9 I could probably refactor to include a simple timer daemon and figure out how to trigger it via SSH use. To lower costs I would like to have two EC2s on the same EBS volume - a smaller one for day to day - and a full metal when I need a beast to compile something like Chrome.