c9s / Vimana

Vimana is an easy to use system for searching , installing, and downloading vim script. Vimana provides a command-line interface such like aptitude programe on Debian linux, for you to search , download , install , upgrade scripts from http://www.vim.org (vimonline site).
182 stars 26 forks source link

Windows Support #2

Open c9s opened 14 years ago

c9s commented 14 years ago

I've tested some plugin in Vimana on windows (with strawberry perl installed)

gist.vim could be installed . but at the first time, the directory "plugin" will be created as a file. so that gist.vim can not be copied into plugin directory. I manully removed directory and create plugin directory , and it works.

C:\Documents and Settings\c9s\Desktop\Vimana-2010.03419\Vimana-2010.03419>perl - Ilib bin/vimana install fuzzyfinder
Plugin will be installed to vim runtime path: C:\Documents and Settings\c9s\vimfiles

Canonical name: fuzzyfinder
Downloading from: http://www.vim.org/scripts/download_script.php?src_id=11852
Saving file to C:\DOCUME~1\c9s\LOCALS~1\Temp\vimana-teimnp\vim-fuzzyfinder.zip
Extracting to C:\DOCUME~1\c9s\LOCALS~1\Temp/vimana-yhyeln.
Extracting to: C:\DOCUME~1\c9s\LOCALS~1\Temp/vimana-yhyeln
format error: bad signature: 0x14031402 at offset 55175 in file C:\DOCUME~1\c9s\
    LOCALS~1\Temp\vimana-teimnp\vim-fuzzyfinder.zip at lib/Vimana/PackageFile.pm line 195
    Can't call method "extractTree" on an undefined value at 
    C:/strawberry/perl/site/lib/Archive/Any/Plugin/Zip.pm line 47.

here is my log:

C:\Documents and Settings\c9s\Desktop\Vimana-2010.03419\Vimana-2010.03419>
    perl -Ilib bin/vimana install autocomplpop

Plugin will be installed to vim runtime path: C:\Documents and Settings\c9s\vimf
Canonical name: autocomplpop
Downloading from: http://www.vim.org/scripts/download_script.php?src_id=11894
Saving file to C:\DOCUME~1\c9s\LOCALS~1\Temp\vimana-agigaj\vim-autocomplpop.zip

Extracting to C:\DOCUME~1\c9s\LOCALS~1\Temp/vimana-rwcefm.
Extracting to: C:\DOCUME~1\c9s\LOCALS~1\Temp/vimana-rwcefm
format error: bad signature: 0x1402014b at offset 13705 in file C:\DOCUME~1\c9s\
    at lib/Vimana/PackageFile.pm line 195
    Can't call method "extractTree" on an undefined value 
    at C:/strawberry/perl/site/lib/Archive/Any/Plugin/Zip.pm line 47.

C:\Documents and Settings\c9s\Desktop\Vimana-2010.03419\Vimana-2010.03419>
c9s commented 14 years ago

I think Any::Archive is buggy. so maybe we need a better solution for archive files.

things still work for mac and linux, seems good.

mattn commented 14 years ago

Hmm. strange. I'll look into it layer on my windows.

mattn commented 14 years ago

@c9s, Yet are you getting this problem?

c9s commented 14 years ago

I will try it in later days. :-)