c9s / r3

libr3 is a high-performance path dispatching library. It compiles your route paths into a prefix tree (trie). By using the constructed prefix trie in the start-up time, you may dispatch your routes with efficiency
MIT License
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*.deb and *.rmp releases #12

Open thedrow opened 10 years ago

thedrow commented 10 years ago

It will be much easier to install r3 if it had packages. You can use fpm to do so easily.

c9s commented 10 years ago

Haven't any experience with fpm yet, could you provide some instructions about this? thanks. :)

thedrow commented 10 years ago

Sure, I'll explain in the evening.

thedrow commented 10 years ago

Here's a recipe for building beanstalkd. It uses make in order to build the package and pulls from git. The ZeroMQ recipe also uses configure.

c9s commented 10 years ago

Looks nice, have you released a package with FPM before? if so, would you mind send me a PR for this? thanks :)

thedrow commented 10 years ago

Sure, I will send a PR soon.

thedrow commented 10 years ago

I should also create a clib package.json so people could vendor r3 more easily.

c9s commented 10 years ago

Sounds great!

czchen commented 10 years ago

Just issue an ITP (Intent to Package) in debian https://bugs.debian.org/748748. I will handle debian release after first version is released.

c9s commented 10 years ago

Hi @czchen ,

Thanks for your help! :+1:

c9s commented 10 years ago

Hi @czchen ,

Version 1.2.1 is released. https://github.com/c9s/r3/releases/tag/1.2.1

thedrow commented 10 years ago

I forgot about this. I can promise that it will be done by friday.

bluebat commented 10 years ago

rpms at https://build.opensuse.org/package/show/home:bluebat/libr3

thedrow commented 10 years ago

@bluebat Did you generate the RPM with fpm? Care to share the recipe?

bluebat commented 10 years ago

@thedrow No, there is the spec file.

czchen commented 10 years ago

r3 is in debian new queue now. After ftp master accepts it, r3 will be in debian official repository.

c9s commented 10 years ago

Great! @czchen thanks for your work! :D

czchen commented 10 years ago

@c9s Look like r3 build fail at armel. Any idea?

c9s commented 10 years ago

I have no ideal with armel XD.. seems like failed at check.

czchen commented 10 years ago

http://paste.lisp.org/display/143077 is the error log provided by @kanru. It is segmentation fault.

czchen commented 10 years ago

I use schroot + qemu to build armel in amd64 for this issue, here is my conclusions:

kanru commented 10 years ago

"ChangZhuo Chen (陳昌倬)" notifications@github.com writes:

I use schroot + qemu to build armel in amd64 for this issue, here is my conclusions:

  • coredump does not contain valid stack trace, possible stack smashing.
  • qemu does not support ptrace, so gdb is useless.
  • The issue is gone if I define DEBUG to enable debug print. Not sure why.

I might be able to get a backtrace from real armel machine.. stay tuned.


thedrow commented 6 years ago

Should we close this issue?

bluebat commented 6 years ago

Yes for rpm: https://github.com/chinese-opendesktop/repo/raw/master/src/libr3-1.3.4-1.src.rpm https://github.com/chinese-opendesktop/repo/raw/master/x86_64/libr3-1.3.4-1.x86_64.rpm https://github.com/chinese-opendesktop/repo/raw/master/x86_64/libr3-devel-1.3.4-1.x86_64.rpm