cBio / cbio-cluster

MSKCC cBio cluster documentation
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Open ports on hal for Schrödinger GUI job submission #390

Closed vkuryavyi closed 8 years ago

vkuryavyi commented 8 years ago

A scientist from Schrödinger requests information about ports that can be open on hal cluster. The reason for the request:

"If we know what ports are open on hal and can designate a small range of them - at least one per expected Schrödinger user of it - then we can define it using the proxyport: keyword in the schrodinger.hosts file"

tatarsky commented 8 years ago

This is something you need to email me directly. This is a public Git.

tatarsky commented 8 years ago

Actually I will email you as @juanperin needs to be included.