cd cbioportal-core/src/main/scripts/importer
It's all working until now
./ -s Users/qlu/datahub/public/msk_impact_2017/ -n -o
After running the command, I got the error message
Expected to find 1 scripts-*.jar, but found 0
Error occurred during data loading step. Please fix the problem and run this again to make sure study is completely loaded.
Then I located the file which print this message, which is Doing some testing, I know that perl file expects one core-*.jar to be in /Users/qlu/cbioportal-core/src/main/resources/ . Therefore, I copy core-1.0.5-SNAPSHOT.jar (generated under cbioportal-core/target through maven build) over to /Users/qlu/cbioportal-core/src/main/resources/ .
Run ./ -s Users/qlu/datahub/public/msk_impact_2017/ -n -o again:
Checked DB schema version: (expected: @db.version@) (found: 2.13.1)
Error, probably due to this version of the portal being out of sync with the database. Run the database migration script located at CBIOPORTAL_SRC/core/src/main/scripts/ before continuing.
Run Users/qlu/cbioportal-core/src/main/resources/scripts/
sql file /Users/qlu/Library/CloudStorage/OneDrive-CarisLifeScience/Documents/cbioportal-core/src/main/resources/db-scripts/migration.sql cannot be found --properties-file [portal properties file] --sql [sql migration file]
I followed to import study but running into the database migration issue.
Steps to reproduce:
export PORTAL_HOME=<my cbioportal home directory with>
import gene panels like here
validate study
cd cbioportal-core/src/main/scripts/importer
It's all working until now./ -s Users/qlu/datahub/public/msk_impact_2017/ -n -o
After running the command, I got the error messageThen I located the file which print this message, which is Doing some testing, I know that perl file expects one core-*.jar to be in
. Therefore, I copy core-1.0.5-SNAPSHOT.jar (generated undercbioportal-core/target
through maven build) over to/Users/qlu/cbioportal-core/src/main/resources/
./ -s Users/qlu/datahub/public/msk_impact_2017/ -n -o
again:Run Users/qlu/cbioportal-core/src/main/resources/scripts/