When I sort an Oncoprint view that includes a heat map (e.g. this one) by the clustering order of the heat map (a new feature in 1.5.x, added by pull request #1998), and then use the Heatmap menu to add another gene to it, the new track appears unclustered. When I then sort the tracks by something else (e.g. by data), the track disappears until I re-enable clustering. This was not the behaviour I expected.
When I sort an Oncoprint view that includes a heat map (e.g. this one) by the clustering order of the heat map (a new feature in 1.5.x, added by pull request #1998), and then use the Heatmap menu to add another gene to it, the new track appears unclustered. When I then sort the tracks by something else (e.g. by data), the track disappears until I re-enable clustering. This was not the behaviour I expected.